Hello M.L., It's certainly possible to do, and each row will relate to a single task, or object. For instance, on a 'TASK task' sheet in the doc, you'll have a column for setProjectID, you'll reference the project you want the task to be created on. If you're creating that project in the same kickstart, you'll reference the value you entered in the 'PROJ project' sheet on the doc under 'ID'. I would highly recommend doing the following on a Friday: Open preview (https://yourdomain.preview.workfront.com) and log in. Delete everything except 1 of each type of object (1 task, 1 issue, 1 project, 1 template, etc etc etc.) Then you can go and do a kickstart, export all the data, and you'll only have the minimum information you need to create each object. That said, I'd recommend the following objects to include in your kickstart: Project Template Template Assignment Template Task Custom Data Task Issue User Concerning your additional questions..: 2) This is done by setting various values, such as "setParentID" if using child/task relationships. You can also add in something like "setWBS", but you will need to fill out the "setParentID" if you want the setWBS to 'stick'. It'll just make it easier to map things out on the sheet instead of in your head. 3) When you create a project from a template, or attach a template after it's created, the Project Details -> Overview tab will show the template at the bottom. 4) Yes, you'll need to create that person. Now, they don't need to be assigned to an access level, but they also won't receive emails/notifications for work assigned to them. But going back to the main point, you'll need an ID to attach the assignment to (and yes, that is precisely how to get the ID, or you can use the example I suggested of including the User object in an export, though that does mean you probably don't want to delete all the users out of the system, but maybe create a separate user only kicstart export!) 5) [DE:Custom Field Name] - Easiest way to explain this is with a help article just below, but essentially DE: is Workrfont's way to show you're calling to custom data.
https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216607018-Importing-Data-into-Workfront-via-Kick-Sta... 6) You'll have a column (or can create one) called "setCategoryID" to set the custom form on the object. You'll then need to follow step 5 above to reference each field on that form, and apply the data to it. 7) You'll be on the 'PROJ project' sheet, so no need to specify the project object, you're already on it. (Note, you have to have a separate sheet for each object, or WF doesn't know what you're doing.) I'd recommend reading up on the following help article to get you and your team going:
https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216607028-Kick-Start-Scenario-Simple-Project-and-Tas... Best of luck! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront