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Using an MM field in a task collection column


Level 10

Hi, I have a request where they want a task collection column in a project report, but the filter is that a certain role is assigned. Now, there isn't a way to guaranteed that the role will be the Task Owner, so I was thinking I would try the assignmentsRolesMM:ID you can do in a task report.

However, when I put {assignmentsRolesMM}.{ID}=51003a37000adbe5e63492b3c19a9ccf or {assignmentsRolesMM}.{ID}="51003a37000adbe5e63492b3c19a9ccf" in my IF statement, it doesn't work.

Has anyone either 1) figured out how to use MM fields in a task collection, or 2) has come up with a way to filter on a task collection for any assignee (whether User or Role)?

Thank you so much :)


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2 Replies


Level 3

Haven't used MM fields but if you are trying to filter for only projects with a specific role/individual assigned to a task you might be able to achieve that with the following filter:






If you're just trying to add a column with showing Role/assigned users for only some particular values the following works too:


You can also use {assignedToID},{assignedTo}.{roleID} for the expression.

Although you might want to add a unique identifier for specific tasks you are looking for or the column would just show all names/roles that match the criteria.

Hopefully this helps.




Level 10

Thank, Surya. But unfortunately I cannot guarantee that the role will be the task owner. Almost every task we have has multiple assignees so role ID on it's own (or assignedTo's role) doesn't work.

In a task report, I can use {assignmentsRolesMM}.{ID} which works beautifully, but I can't get it to work in a task collection on a project report (my guess being it is technically a collection within a collection), but was hoping someone found some magically way to do it. ;)