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User is getting approval notifications on documents that they upload themselves


Level 2
Hi there, Does anyone know how to disable a user receiving approval notifications when they upload a document themselves? For instance, I have a user Lillian who receives an approval in her queue when she uploads a proof. It says 'Lillian would like your approval on ____ document". She doesn't need herself to approve a document that she uploaded herself. Any ideas on why this is happening? Thanks, Marshall Marshall Comden Plantronics, Inc.

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1 Reply


Level 4
Check the "Proof Details" and see what "Role" she's assigning to herself. If she selects "Approver" or "Reviewer & Approver" as her role she'll be expected to provide a decision. If she just needs to see the proof and provide comments- change her role to "Reviewer". Satchell Mische-Richter Quality Bicycle Products