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Unique ID # for different issue/request types


Level 2
Looking for any ideas on a calculated field or other ways to create a unique ID# for issues/requests. We have several different types of issues/requests such as incidents, corrective actions, lessons learned, etc as well as requests such as new project, site safety request, shipping request, help desk request, etc. We currently have the Object Ref# field in our reports, but the numbers are not sequential for a specific issue and tend to jump drastically (one issue is 5439 the next issue in the report is 100301). I am looking for a way to create a field in which a corrective action issue would have a sequence of numbers (such as 1200, 1201, 1202) and the shipping request would have a different sequence of numbers (100000, 100001, 100002) so on and so forth. Any ideas? Scott Mors Thyssenkrupp System Engineering, Inc
3 Replies


Level 2
Here is what I've used as a calculated value concat(YEAR(Entry Date)-2000,round(datediff(Entry Date,$$TODAYby))-1,right(Reference Number,3)) This is an 8 digit number that is the two digit year, 3 digit julian day (i.e. day of the year) and the last 3 numbers of the WF generated Reference Number. The only part I wasn't totally confident in was using only 3 digits of the ref number since it's 6 in total, but it seems to keep my numbers unique considering that once the day is over there is no chance for a repeat. Hope that works for you. David Ammons Corning Optical Communications LLC


Level 10
This is a feature sorely missing in Workfront. We'd like the same thing: Task numbers (which we use as internal Work Orders) having a separate series from Request numbers separate from Project numbers. We settled on using the Reference Number in all cases because it was just easier to manage and guaranteed unique. But it's messy and a bit confusing for users and managers. Apparently at one time WF separated all these number series from each other, then changed it, and won't change it back or consider just adding some sort of separate feature: https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000PSAoAAO/detail Kevin Quosig


Community Advisor
Not sure how you can do this without Fusion. If you are using Fusion, it's pretty straight forward. For each new issue that meets a specific criteria, e.g. a certain issue form is attached, look at the value of the field "Issue Type" on the form, then reference a table that has been set up to keep track of each issue type's current reference number. If Issue Type = Corrective Action, it would locate Corrective Action in row 5 of our example table. In the column to the right, in the same row as Corrective Action, there is a value of 1200. Fusion copies that value to a text box "Custom Reference Number" in the issue's custom form, and also increases the value in the table to 1201, so the next time the card is run and the issue type = Corrective Action, 1201 will be the Custom Reference Number copied to the text box. I would also use a calculated field on the form to stamp the value, in the event a user accidentally deletes or changes the value on the form. I've done this in the past for project numbering, since the number of digits in the system reference number is not user friendly, and also because different groups like to have their own sequence of project numbers. William English T-Mobile
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