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Topics to cover at Leap Birds of a Feather Sessions?


Level 9
Hey all, I'm wrapping up collecting the topics you'd like discussed in the Birds of a Feather (BOAF) sessions at Leap. I'd love to hear if there are any topics you'd absolutely love to talk about/address. Please list them in the comments (as well as which BOAF session you'll be attending and I'll make sure to get them on the agenda. -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:
12 Replies


Level 4
Nate, I'll be attending a few BOAF sessions at Leap, 'New to WorkFront', "Media and Entertainment', and 'Software and Tech'. It would be nice to get some information on best practice for implantation, how to be a good admin, and how best to use Workfront in a product development environment. See you there, Aaron


Level 10
Assuming sessions will be recorded and assuming if this topic suggestion is not appropriate for this conference but another type of conference - i NEED a class/session on "text mode" coding...This topic is complexed and very much needed to do things that might be out of the norm of using workfront straight out of the box.


Level 9
Aaron, this is great feedback. I'll definitely add your topics to the agenda in some of these sessions. Thanks for letting me know! -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 9
Benetta, I hear you loud and clear. I'm not sure if there is a session on Text Mode on the agenda, but I'm happy to facilitate a meetup, or a lunch table for people interested in talking about this. Maybe we can get some momentum going for an area in Community where we can focus on this. I'll poke around here at the office to see if there are any objections. -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 2
Looking forward to co-facilitating the IT/SysAdmin BOF! Some topics that we're exploring after our consultant's visit last week: Best practices for governing object (projects, teams, etc.) creation How to promote adoption/usage How to us the API to integrate with tools our software developers use Private vs. public updates/notes - we're looking in to using Companies as Departments to be able to set dept communications private (so customer don't see our nonsense) So many topics, too little time. :)


Level 4
How do you keep people engaged? Carrot or stick? How can we best show value so people realize the importance of accurate and timely data?


Level 4
My request would be for a session on how people really use the scheduling board.


Level 1
Increasing user adoption. For the 2.5 years that I have been in my healthcare organization we have faced significant obstacles to getting user buy-in. Most of our healthcare employees are stressed out having more work to do than they can get done PLUS many of them are computer averse so they don’t really want to make the time to learn. The promise of getting time back from increased efficiency and less meetings is not strong enough to overcome their reluctance and some negative experiences with WF. Capacity planning is a big felt need among the IT department staff and one of our department’s top goals. I want to serve our staff by making their workload more manageable so this is an important goal that I feel strongly about working on.


Level 2
I would like to learn more about how the following are being used: Folder Usage Staffing (Team Builder, Resource Grid, People) Timesheets thanks! Rhonda Cancino Marketing Traffic Specialist 817-252-6919 Pier 1 Imports The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw


Level 4
I enjoyed the higher education group session last year. I got to meet other folks working in the same industry where we have different challenges than the corporate world so it was nice to be able to have an open forum to discuss challenges that we have and how other folks deal with them. I wouldn't mind doing more of that. I attended a conference one time where we took sticky notes, everyone wrote anything that they wanted to talk about on the stickys...then put them up on the wall. Everyone had 3 votes to go around and mark off the stickies that they wanted to chat about. The stickies that had the highest votes is where we stared the conversation. Once that topic was covered, we moved onto the next sticky. It was a cool concept to have the discussion be focused on what the group wanted to talk about. Just an idea to use if need to come up with ideas on what to talk about.


Level 3
I am attending Media and Entertainment. Some topics I think would be helpful are below. User adoption Custom Forms User Access (Teams, Groups, License) Gotchas - Like removing someone from "sharing" on a project does not remove them from being listed as a resource. Shelly Long, PMP, CSSGB Marketing Traffic Manager Pier 1 Imports Accelerate to Excellence