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Timesheet Complaints


Level 10

Is there any other mechanism besides the "Ideal Exchange" (or whatever it is called now) to put in complaints/feature requests? These aren't "feature requests," more like "feature fixes/reverts."


My users have a list of things they dislike about the new Timesheet:


  1. Command+F is pre-empted by Workfront rather than allowing the browser to search.
    1. The timesheet is now using lazy-load, which makes the browser search wonky in any case, so that is probably why WF implemented their own search.
    2. But most users still reflexively want to use the browser search since that is normal browser behavior. Asking user to click on search or use WF's shortcut is a tall order for busy users on multiple systems. This is bad UI design (and one I am personally getting tired of seeing on web apps).
  2. The titles area is too small for longer Task titles.
  3. Really bad display issues with long titles on smaller "sidekick" displays (1280x1024).
  4. Users do not like seeing all weeks available in a horizontal scroll. The previous "paged" mechanism was easier and more intuitive to use. The horizontal scroller is fiddly and imprecise.
  5. Too much space taken up by time entry area. Only needs to be one week wide. Give the extra space to the titles.
  6. "Return/enter" no longer commits a time entry and move to the next line. Bring this back.
  7. To enter a comment, you have to click to open, then click to type. If it opens, it should default to "ready to type."
  8. "Done" for comments is an unnecessary step. Click-out and tab-away should work equally as well (like it does for entereing time).
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