Wondering if any others are experiencing the same. Namely, users are complaining about the abbreviation of names on the breadcrumb. But what seems to be most irksome is the addition of the Portfolio and Programme within the breadcrumb. Users try to go back to the Project level and then they end up in the middle of a portfolio, wherein they have to go back through their Recents to go to the Project they're working upon.
Would be great to somehow restrict the addition of Portfolio and Programme within a breadcumb when at the Project View, only showing when users are spelunking through Portfolios and Programmes.
I've already mentioned these things to Support; curious if others are experiencing the same (and if anyone made an Idea Exchange request related to breadcrumbs; I'll vote up for you. :D)
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Sorry for your users' pain, John. I think I've mentioned early on that the breadcrumbs are excessive. In Classic at the task level, you have access all the way to the project and I mentioned in my commenting that it was not necessary to have access all the way to the Portfolio from a Task. Additionally there's no way to distinguish what objects the breadcrumb trail is linking to (what if you have a Portfolio and no Programs and you want to click on the link that goes back to the Project -- is that the third object or do you just have to guess)
I'm fine with the breadcrumbs at the Project level. There really isn't a lot for folks to get confused about there and it's exactly in line with how Classic works.
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I'm probably the only one, but I love having the Portfolio and Program show in the breadcrumb for all levels of objects. I have users that frequently need to move an issue into a different project (and that project is in a different Portfolio), being able to see which Portfolio they are currently in while looking at an issue is super easy with the full breadcrumb.
I do find the hover-over text that pops up wonky, especially when there are multiple hidden objects. The hover-over text often gets in the way and won't let me select the object I actually want.
@Heather Kulbacki‚ You are not alone. We're still in Classic for now and its driving me nuts not having program and portfolio in the breadcrumb.
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Hey John,
This is great feedback. I just want you to know that I passed it along to the design team and the designers are going to put together a few mocks of what breadcrumbs could look like. I'll probably post a quick survey on this thread and on a separate thread to gather some more formal feedback about this in the next week. The survey will let you look at the mocks and give feedback on them.
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Hi Elissa,
Thanks for letting me know about this! I've shared this with a few of my users and they're happy that their thoughts (read: complaints) were listened to. Looking forward to seeing what the team comes up with.
Have a great weekend!
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Will the survey go out to all users?
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