The Adobe Workfront engineers are close to completing code that allows a scrum team to ignore date changes when adding a task or issue to an iteration. Currently after adding a task or issue to an iteration the 'start' and 'end' date change to that of the iteration. This new feature, if toggled on, would ignore the date changes and dates would not be affected at all when adding to an iteration.
This feature will under go heavy testing and that will include slowly rolling it out to customers. If anyone is interested in getting early access, please respond to this post or reach out to me by email at
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The feature to ignore date changes if you add a task/issue to an iteration is available today in Preview. You can find the new setting when you edit a team that is set as an agile team. We can put it live into your production account starting next week, if you want early access in production. Otherwise it will roll out to production in two weeks, pending successful testing in preview.
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This feature has been toggled on for some customers in their production accounts. If you'd like early access to your production account, let me know. It is live in preview for all users.
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Our Agile pods are asking for a way to prioritize their list of stories in the Backlog and in their Iterations. Can you add a drag and drop feature so they can put the stories in a prioritized order? This is very inefficient to have 50+ stories with no way to show what the rank order is - 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
Liz Tarter
@Patrick Muir - inactive‚ @Leigh Burger‚ @Jason Jones‚ @Liz Tarter‚
We also need a way to bulk collapse the stories/tasks on the Story Board. Currently you need to collapse each one to make moving stories manageable. Like the arrow available on most reports the same functionality would be very helpful.
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We used to be able to drag and drop the parent stories in the storyboard, but as of last week they are all stuck in place. I submitted a support ticket and they said the development team is working on a resolution.
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