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Text mode for typeahead fields


Level 7


I met with a coworker who wanted a report. This happens sometimes.

The report was to have columns for values which appear on an Issue and its resolved Project. One of the columns involved the name which is used on a Typeahead field. I know that typeheads are their own thing Object-wise, so I was unsure how to do this.

Here's the text mode of the column:

displayname=Issue: CTEE - ESL Name

linkedname=CTEE - ESL


namekeyargkey.0=CTEE - ESL


querysort=DE:CTEE - ESL:name

valuefield=CTEE - ESL:name


I tried just appending a "project:" to the appropriate bits, and it didn't work.

Before I beat my brains out of my head, am I missing something simple with this? (I'm assuming the answer is 'yes.')



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5 Replies


Level 7

Hey John,

What type of object report is this on and what object is the typeahead field on?


Level 7

I should have mentioned that, duh.

This report is an Issue Report, but we're referring to the Resolved Project Typeahead field.


Level 7

Hey John,

I don't think there is a way to get to that field through text mode, but you can do a workaround. First, add a calculated field to your project custom form to get the typeaheadfield name:

0694X00000DTW6UQAX.jpgOnce you have that, you can add new field to an issue report without using text mode:


Hope that helps!


Level 5

I just want to say that I asked you this question in 2021 when I worked for a different company. And when I needed this for something entirely different for my current gig, I came upon this post of mine. So, thank you for being helpful--squared.  




Level 10

Thank you, Sarah! Was running into this issue and glad I found this :)