Hi Linnie, Our designer does update/edit her timelines and hours for tasks since she knows her workload best and sometimes our pre-populated template timelines just won't work. When she updates a timeline that will impact the deliverable date, the project manager is notified and then goes in and approves the new timeline for the project. For final files, our designer puts the location of the final creative files into an update in the project and tags the PM so we are aware that everything is final and archived. We are also included as a proofer, so we are always aware when things are approved from the requester as well. For all of our projects, we have templates, and assigned roles for who completes each task. When the PM converts an issue into a project, he/she will assign each task to the appropriate person. We've trained anyone that is a worker or planner that they must mark their tasks as complete, especially when there are dependencies on tasks following theirs. It's a work in progress, but 1.5 years in, things are going pretty smoothly now. We have lots of training documentation and an internal Yammer group for Workfront users that helps us reinforce the message often.
Hope that helps! Malisa Malisa Lieser Tennant