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Task Report Help: Grouping by tasks where $$USER.ID is only assignee not done with their part and/or a filter to only show these tasks


Level 3



Is it possible to create a grouping with text mode in a task report that separates out tasks where the $$USER.ID is the only assignee on the tasks that hasn't marked their part as done? Or is there text mode for a column that would highlight these tasks by using a green BG color or something for tasks where $$USER.ID is the only assignee and/or when all other assignees have marked their part as done. 


I am also wondering if there is a way to filter a report out so it doesn't show tasks where there are other assignees on a task that haven't marked their part as done to include that as part of a dashboard instead. 


We have tasks with multiple assignees where one role has to almost always go after the other assignees so it would be helpful for them to have a view that separates out these tasks that should actually be ready for them to work on rather than monitoring the status of the other assignees. Thanks for any help you can provide!

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