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Task Based Workload Balancer


Level 2

Hi, there! 

My team is an in-house marketing department. I am looking for a way to adjust workload balancer, or a report to build that be a work around, to show workload based on number of tasks assigned to each person on the team. We do not record hours in WF currently, so the resource managing resources aren't as helpful right now as I am trying to see what everyone's current load is. If the adding and tracking hours to task is the only, we may not be apposed to the switch, but I, the project manager, am just trying to find another alternative first that wouldn't require introducing a major addition or change to the team. 



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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

I think you just want a task or assignment report (if multiple people are assigned to a single task, go with assignment report), filtering for incomplete tasks that are assigned to your team. If for example, you group it by planned completion date (week) and then by who it's assigned to, then you have a way to see how many tasks everyone is working on that is due that week. It's not ideal, but as you say, it's a workaround.

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2 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

I think you just want a task or assignment report (if multiple people are assigned to a single task, go with assignment report), filtering for incomplete tasks that are assigned to your team. If for example, you group it by planned completion date (week) and then by who it's assigned to, then you have a way to see how many tasks everyone is working on that is due that week. It's not ideal, but as you say, it's a workaround.


Level 2

Thank you! I was able to create a task report, group by name, and then add a chart that grouped by record count for that visual. This will work great for the time being.