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Support Incident Ratings Emails need to include the Incident Title


Level 10
Attention to Workfront Support managers: You know the emails we receive after a support incident has been closed, which ask us to rate the support as good or bad? The issue I often have is that this rating request email usually doesn't have enough info in it for me to know which incident it was regarding. I usually have quite a few incidents on the go at one time. The only way for me to find out which incident it is regarding is to copy the incident number from the email, then log into the Support site to look it up. This is usually too much effort and being time-poor I usually don't end up providing the feedback. I presume Workfront would like to receive more feedback, so they should provide this info in the email to make it easier for us. Yes, I know they include the first line of text from the incident, but this is not as useful as the incident title/subject. If you could provide this instead, and optionally also a link to the incident so we can easily review it if we want to, that would help us be informed to provide our rating. Regards, David Cornwell
3 Replies


Level 1
David, Thanks for the feedback. It's perfectly timed, as we're already working on plans to change some aspects of the survey here during Q4. We'll take this into account as we look to make some improvements! Best, -- Nic Bryson Vice President, Customer Support Workfront


Level 1
David, Thanks for your feedback on this. In addition to what Nic has stated about future changes we have also changed the way the survey's sent out. Instead of the description it will now be the title of the ticket. Brad Littler Support Program Manager Workfront


Level 10
Great - thanks Nic and Brad :) David Cornwell