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Similar to a reviewer setup, can you prevent planners/workers from seeing a project?


Level 9

We have some confidential projects that we setup. We have them restricted to only the people that should see them.

However, if Jane Doe tags John Smith in their update - and John Smith isn't part of that project - they still receive access to the project via the update. Any idea how to fix this?


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1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi Christina,

Permissions in Workfront are granted hierarcically. So if you tag a user into a project, that user will receive view access to the project and everything below it (i.e. all of it's tasks / issues). However if a user tags someone into a task or issue, they will only be granted view access to that task or issue they were tagged in (and not the whole project).

I don't believe that there is a way that you can prevent access from being granted when tagging people. Instead you would need to educate users of the implications of tagging members outside of the project team into project level updates and ask your users to only tag people into the objects that they need to see, not the project as a whole.

There are however some additional settings available which could help . . . .

(1) You can configure what level of access a user is given to a project when they are assigned to a task or issue. This is done via the project settings. Here you can prevent users from obtaining view access to the project when being assigned to a work object. Note that this doesn't prevent people from inheriting view access from being tagged into updates though.


2) You can prevent users from inheriting access to projects / documents when they are assigned to work objects, and you can ensure that users are only able to see updates in the system when they have been tagged into the conversation. This is done via the access level settings. Please note that this is a global setting which will affect all users on that access level across all work objects in the system.


I hope this helps!

Best Regards,
