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Showing the label instead of the value for a radio button


Level 5
I have a radio button with labels and values Department: Label: IT Value: 1 Label: Marketing Value: 2 etc If I put Department in a calculated field it shows the Value (1,2) instead of the Label If I do the obvious answer Department.label I get a blank, but Workfront thinks it's a valid formula. Anyone know the secret? -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: "https://www.capabilitysource.com" www.capabilitysource.com email: "mailto:melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com" melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com&

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8 Replies


Level 10
I've tried what you did with Department.label with one of our radio buttons and it's telling me it's an invalid expression. Sorry - don't know how to pick up the label instead of value.


Level 10
Hi Melinda, In a view, if you were to show a column of the radio button itself, I believe you can use special constants (e.g. customDataLabelsAsString, customDataValuesAsString, etc.) to choose whether to display the label or the value, since both are "available" to the view. By introducing a calculated field, however, you effectively decouple that pairing (from a formatting in the list perspective). So instead, I recommend you use a series of IF statements in your calculation to decode the value back to its label. If this sounds yucky, it's because it is. Regards, Doug


Level 5
That's what I did, I was just hoping for a cleaner answer. On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 5:26 PM ....Doug.... Den Hoed < reportingforum@communitylists.workfront.com> wrote: > Hi Melinda, > > In a view, if you were to show a column of the radio button itself, I > believe you can use special constants (e.g. customDataLabelsAsString, > customDataValuesAsString, etc.) to choose whether to display the label or > the value, since both are "available" to the view. > > By introducing a calculated field, however, you effectively decouple that > pairing (from a formatting in the list perspective). So instead, I > recommend you use a series of IF statements in your calculation to decode > the value back to its label. > > If this sounds yuckky, it's because it is. > > Regards, > > Doug > > -----End Original Message----- > -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com - we simplify your work so you can run your business -


Level 3
Is there really no better way to display the label in a calculation than manually decoding it? I have some dropdown fields on shared reports that are constantly in flux. It would be time prohibitive to have to go edit the textmode conditionals every time they update the lists. I'm highly disappointed with the shortcomings of textmode. It's overly complex, very limited, and the syntax/editor is not helping. Byron Nash INSP, LLC.


Level 10
Hi Byron, Yes, to my knowledge, there is currently no better way to display the label in a calculation than manually decoding it. And yes (see "yucky", above), although I (now) find Text Mode to be quite powerful, I do agree that it is complex, and the syntax/editor is not easy. That said, I believe my colleague @Matt Thomas is weighing pros and cons of how challenges such as this might be more easily solved in the future with (or without) Text Mode, so I'm tagging him for awareness; and perhaps a comment (when he's ready, as it is still early days in that conversation). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 1
Thanks @Doug Den Hoed for tagging me in this post. @Byron Nash as Doug pointed out we are in the midst of working on making building and consuming reports a lot easier. We are hoping to reduce the dependency on text mode and would love to hear any use cases you are using with it now. If you are up for it can you schedule some time with me and we can talk through it: https://calendly.com/matt-thomas-wf/30min. Thanks, Matt Matt Thomas


Level 3
Thanks for the replies @Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore and @Matt Thomas . I do agree that you can do some powerful things with Text mode, I just find it difficult compared to other scripting level tasks I've tried in other platfoms. I'll reach out on your link Matt, thanks. Byron Nash INSP, LLC.


Level 10
It has been my experience that every free scripting language I've come across has better documentation than Workfront's text mode. You just have to ask a lot of questions in these forums and learn through "tribal knowledge". Randy Roberts