Looking for a way to shorten the display of a link, especially if I could use a custom text string that still retains the active, clickable link. As one example here is a custom field in a task report that links from the listing of that task up to the custom form tab at the project level. The concern is that the link is very long and not self-descriptive to my average user.
displayname=Proj Form
textmode=true valueexpression=CONCAT("https://qbp.my.workfront.com","/","project/view?ID=",{projectID},"&activeTab=form-customdata") valueformat=HTML It would be great if this column displayed click here or Open Proj Form , instead of this:
https://bizname.my.workfront.com/project/view?ID=lo4560t98s8of9nu90m80s9a8ndl4e41ts&activeTab=form-c... Any ideas? PS I am really hoping to do this via a report field, and not through creation of a custom form, which not only requires applying the form to many objects, but also doesn't seem to support transition from one object type to another, such as linking to a project tab from a task report. Justin White Quality Bicycle Products