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Share Your Insight by Speaking at Leap 2020


Level 2
In case you missed it, the "https://www.workfront.com/leap" Workfront Leap 2020 Call for Speakers is now open for Orlando and London, and we want to hear from you. With 150+ US breakout sessions, 50+ UK breakout sessions, and 100+ global customer speakers at Leap 2019, we want to know what expert ideas, insights, and stories you have to share in 2020. Learn about the session tracks, requirements, and more by checking out the "http://lp.workfront.com/rs/758-USO-349/images/19_leap20_call-for-speakers.pdf" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://lp.workfront.com/rs/758-USO-349/images/19_leap20_call-for-speakers.pdf&source=gmail&ust=1570643742703000&usg=AFQjCNHbIjhJ0uSPFy1Du3OKux3fczq1dw" rel="noopener"> Call for Speakers Guide . Submissions for breakout sessions will be accepted through December 1st, and speakers will be notified by December 20th. If you're interested in speaking in a 50-minute breakout session at Leap in Orlando and/or London, "http://bit.ly/speakatleap2020" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://bit.ly/speakatleap2020&source=gmail&ust=1570643742703000&usg=AFQjCNH3tquTb_nDdFeo5DDB2zowqHoVOw" rel="noopener">submit your session ideas here by December 1st. We can't wait to hear from you! Whitney Vincent Workfront
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