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Sending a email message to new users


Level 7
Is there a way to send an automatic email notification to users after they sign in (SSO) for the first time? We have a sort of welcome email/FAQ that we want to send as close to possible as their initial use of Workfront, but I can't figure out a way to set up a email to users based on the status of the users. Ideally it would be something like: if login count is 1 send email message "Welcome to Workfront." Is there a built in way to do this, or a clever workaround? Thanks. Brian McKinley
8 Replies


Level 10
Hi: I'm not sure the login count works when you log in using SSO. Do you have SSO set up to automatically create an ID? I don't have that activated, so we manually create each ID. I manually send an email once I finish the ID creation process. That isn't scalable but I create five or six IDs a month, so it is manageable at this point. Thanks, Eric


Level 7
Login count appears to work with our SSO. A report I created return a handful of people from last week instead of everyone. The SSO automatically creates a user with an name and email provided by directory attributes. We probably have 5 or 6 new users a week. I'm also looking at just putting the info in front of the user using a layout, which seems doable, but I'm struggling with how to present it since it would seem to need to be in the form of a report. Brian McKinley IU Foundation Showalter House


Level 10
Hi Brian, I like you layout template idea, and suggest you create a poster (e.g. "Welcome, New User!") using your favorite program, save it as a graphic, upload it as a document into Workfront, copy the url of that document (in view mode), paste that url into a dashboard ("pointing" to the poster), adjust the height, add the dashboard to the New User Layout template as the first tab they see upon login, and make sure the layout templates are assigned to new users automatically. Upon request, you could then switch them to a "Without The Welcome Screen" layout template. That might be all you need (either to attempt it, or be talked out of it), but there's also a bit more background on "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=cbe6eee8-4f90-4d3e-9862-dbf74076c60d&CommunityKey=ccf3381b-a473-4ef2-9f81-4dd3244cf522&tab=digestviewer#bmcbe6eee8-4f90-4d3e-9862-dbf74076c60d#bm2">this thread . Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Well, I learned something there. I'm going to play with that login attribute and see what I can learn. If there is a way to automatically send an email as a report, I don't know what it is. The problem isn't knowing which IDs are created on which dates, the problem is sending the report to only those who are new. Currently, sending a report automatically requires you explicitly name the users or teams that should get the report. You could maybe automatically add the person to a new-user team (don't know how) and send the report to the new-user team. The challenge would be getting them out of that team once the report goes out. I can't think of how to overcome the challenge of producing the distribution list. Thanks, Eric


Level 10
I see a potential issue with the login count and when your report would be generated. When the user's log on count is already at 2 or 3 before you generate the report, you might not be able to send the user the FAQ. I would probably go down the road of writing code and using API to do this but not everyone would do this and maybe Workfront Fusion can help here (there's a cost to it). Otherwise, I think the dashboard idea can work, just might be tedious to have to switch users. Polly Co


Level 10
Good point, Polly. Brian, how about a good old fashioned cheat instead: create a checkbox custom parameter called "Send Welcome Email", default to true add that checkbox to a user custom form bulk add it to all existing users, and bulk update the value to false ensure that when new users are created, the form is attached (with the "true" default kicking in) create a report that contains the Welcome info you want to send, filtered by Send Welcome Email = True as part of the Welcome (at the bottom, in sneaky legal font), invite them to edit their User Account and opt out...noting that until they do, they will (keep) getting the Welcome letter repeatedly Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Doug – I love brute force solutions �� Very nice! Eric


Level 4
This would be easy, peasy to add to a Workfront Fusion implementation. Although this use case is a little light to justify the expense at 5-6 users/week. In Fusion (or any API) you could listen for new user creation events and that could trigger a custom email. You could also hybrid this on to Doug's suggestion and periodically poll the system for user's without the email sent flag, send the email and update the flag. You could even get really fancy and poll your internal directory system to update a bunch of information on the user that you don't want to map via SSO for various reasons, such as work groups, managers, custom data, etc. -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com Helpful? Buy me a coffee: https://www.patreon.com/mlayten - we simplify your work so you can run your business -