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resources being assigned to a project (staffing tab/ people) for no apparent reason


Level 4
I have projects where users seem to be assigned to the staffing tab/people sub-tab for no apparaent reason. My understanding is that people appear here if you add them manually or they are assigned a task or issue on the project. These phantom assignments create issues because I use dashboards that filter to show our users only projects they are on and they get projects they are not associated with - - any idea why this could be happening? John Hoebler Cross Country Consulting

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6 Replies


Level 10
Are the projects being copied from projects where these people were? In this case, the people are being copied over as well. Were the people once part of the project (assigned to tasks) and then reassigned elsewhere? In this case, the people were not removed from the tab when they were removed from the task. Are you creating these projects from a template? In this case, the template may have been created from a project that contained these people. In all these cases, the problem is that the people or staffing tab isn't as visible as it should be, doesn't behave in an ideal manner, and the training doesn't really warn hard enough about checking the tab. This is a common question that comes up as a result and Project Owners definitely should be trained if you are planning to filter on projects that people are on. Hopefully you'll find your answer in one of these scenarios! If not, check back in with us here :) -skye


Level 4
Thanks – the people tab is a killer and your e-mail reminded me to go check this on my templates – I did have some stragglers on that tab, but not the one person in particular. It is highly unlikely he as ever associated with the project. So my mystery continues, but thank you!


Level 7
Hey John, One more question, the person that created the project in question... if you log in as them, go to a project, project actions, sharing, what does it look like under the gear icon? Like this?: If so, there's your culprit! Good luck! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 4
It is set that way but he was not listed on the template when created.


Level 7
If he created it, it would add him to the project's staffing tab, being the project owner. I'd say ring into Support, or open a case and let our support team dig into this a bit further. :) Have a great weekend! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 4
Oh – sorry he did not create it - - - - I misunderstood – I have a ticket open thanks!