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Resource Estimates - Hours


Level 10
Hi, Has anyone got an idea how to pull those Estimates Hours which shows on resource Estimates in Business Case Tab on a project ? I've tried to pull Resource Estimates report but none of the fields I tried brought me to those numbers. thanks in advnce dags

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13 Replies


Level 10
I’d have to look - isn’t that number the sum of estimated hours in the Resource Estimate table? Eric


Level 6
Yes but it’s split by role. We’re trying to create a report or view that shows planned/estimate/actual per project. ☺ Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 10
Hi Laura, I know a few ways to see planned/estimate/actual per project. Which of them I would recommend depends on whether you're after: a chart, a grid, or both something on-screen only, or that can be exported to pdf or Excel a single project, a portfolio of projects, or a filterable list of projects all tasks within those projects, or a filterable list of tasks within those projects a single role, a filter of roles, and/or a filter of people reporting by task role, by person, or by task role then by person matching on their primary role, or their secondary role(s) a preset timeframe (eg current month), the ability to scroll time by that timeframe, and/or the option to select a start and end date a report that opens automatically to some preset standard combination of options, or that must first be selected (eg prompts), or both a "destination" report in a special location within Workfront (eg a Project custom tab with "the" report on it) or a report component you can place many times on multiple dashboards front loaded estimates (eg 20 hours accounted for "upfront" based on either a task's Planned Start Dates or Projected Start Dates; conservative, best for short tasks), eveny distributed estimates (eg 20 hr task over 10 days is 2 hrs per days; best for part time long tasks), or "shaped" estimates that consider the relatively new in-task allocation adjustments tasks that all have only one person assigned (more planning; better reporting) or multiple assignees (simpler planning, tougher to report) summing time to the month, or week, or day, or hour "fancy math" to prorate tasks that overlap beyond the preceding time unit (eg if our 20 hr 10 day task example is planned for 5 days in this month, and 5 in next month, each month gets 10 hours, each week gets 10 hours, and each day gets 2 hrs) -- warning, this one is difficult, elusive and extra accounting fot users' schedules and PTO (same warning, doubled) illustrating overallocations (same warning, doubled again) grand totals horizontally, vertically, or both a burn-down against some opening total, and if so, the definition of that total and the formula or source to determine its duration cumulative numbers, or a chart, or both simply viewing the resulting data, or clicking the data to then edit it elsewhere in Workfront, or editing it in-place (several restrictions apply) This is one of my key areas of interest within Workfront, and I am keen to learn more about What Really Matters to others striving to visualize their data in this manner. So, by copying, pasting, and then annotating the list above, I invite you and future contributors to state for each bullet point which options you (M)ust Have, Would (L)ike to have, and (W)ouldn't use, like this: a chart (M), a grid (W), or both (L) And of course, if I've overlooked any bullets, please add them to the bottom of your response list, too. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Thanks Doug I guess I’m looking for a view per project so I can keep an eye on what I’ve quoted (estimated hours on resource estimates grid in the Business Case section) and what actual hours are going in so I know when I’m close to budget. If I can see resource estimates as a column in my project - task view then I can keep an eye on it daily and it will make it easier to add planned hours (from the resource estimate) to the relevant tasks. A chart is always nice too! I’ve annotated below per your request. Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 6
Hi Doug Did you get my response on this? Just making sure ‚ò∫ Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 10
Hi Laura, Thank you; yes; please pardon my delay. I am flying today, but will reply formally asap. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Hi Doug, no worries, I was just concerned I’d missed something. Safe travels! Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 5
Laura Is this the type of report you are looking for? I have it filtered on one role (Executive).


Level 10
Hi Laura, Thanks for your patience, and your response above. Our Capacity Charting and Project Heatmap solutions each offer some of the features you'd (L)ike, which I'd be happy to explore with you offline. That said, for your more immediate (M)ust Haves -- particularly at the single Project level -- I'd invite you to try the relatively new Utilization Report , in case it will suffice. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Hi Tracy I don’t think that’s it. I’ve attached a screenshot showing the field I’m looking for and I don’t believe it’s ‘budgeted hours’. Thanks though. Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 6
Hi Doug Ok! The utilisation report has the field I need! Nice. How do I pull that field into a custom report though? Is there a way? Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 6
Apologies Tracy, I believe you are correct - so where did you find that field? I can only see it in the utilisation screen that Doug referred me to. Regards, Laura Ray Junior Project Manager Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com<


Level 5
I found both the Budgeted Hours and Scheduled Hours beneath the Resource Estimates column dropdown.