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Reporting on the life of an issue


Level 5
How do you report on the length of time between and issue being new/open to closed/resolved? Can you? Jazmin Allen-Collins Analog Devices, Inc.
7 Replies


Level 10
Hi: In order to know this duration, you have to look at the notes associated with each issue. There is a note that shows the date the status was changed to "approved" or whatever. Then, there is another note that shows the date the task was completed, closed, withdrawn, and so on. I have a report that shows dates, but doesn't calculate the duration. Others might have a more clever, text-mode-based solution. I'm the king of brute forcing solutions �� Thanks, Eric


Level 7
Hi Jazmin, Eric's got a solution that will work, but it's not a perfect solution. What we did when we used Workfront for our support ticket system was had a custom form on each issue, and a date field that we filled out based on certain criteria. We also had a super smart API guy create a script that would pull dates and times from the system for SLAs. It worked OK, but for a support ticketing system, we went to ZenDesk for more capabilities. Back on track, you could consider a generic Issue custom form that users can select an entry date, a status of new date, a status of in progress date, and obviously closed date could be a calculated field. Just a few thoughts. Good luck! Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 4
When making an Issue report or issue view, there is an OOTB field called 'Age' you can add as a column that shows how old an Issue is. Andrew Beard - LeapPoint Senior Associate LeapPoint Herndon VA


Level 6
We accomplish this with multiple calculated fields. SHORT ANSWER You'll need 1. A calculated field for each status change (timestamp). 2. A calculated field for the difference between the two timestamps. LONG ANSWER PART ONE To create a calculated field for a status change: Create a calculated field ( FIELDNAME ) and then write a formula that says, "If the status equals this status (use the 3 letter code - ex. Complete = "CPL"), then if the field's currently blank, put the time of right now. Otherwise, leave it blank). Format: IF(Status=' AAA ',IF(ISBLANK( FIELDNAME ),$$NOW, FIELDNAME ), FIELDNAME ) Ex. The timestamp for when a request went On Hold is a field called "On Hold Time": IF(Status=' ONH ',IF(ISBLANK( On Hold Time ),$$NOW, On Hold Time ), On Hold Time ) Make 2 timestamps for this (or use an existing one, like Entry Date, Actual Completion Date, etc) Pro-Tips: Make sure your two timestamps use the same format (Date/Time or Date) This only works the first time the field goes into a particular status. It won't overwrite if you take it out of the status and put it back in. PART TWO Then use a formula to calculate the difference between the two timestamps. Workfront allows the options for DATEDIFF: Calendar days between 2 events WEEKDAYDIFF: Business days between 2 events WORKMINUTESDIFF: Minutes? Format: WEEKDAYDIFF( Date 1 , Date 2 ) For the difference between Entry Date and On Hold Time, the formula would look like this. WEEKDAYDIFF( Entry Date , On Hold Time ) Vincent Goodwin The Capital Group Companies


Level 10
Hi Jazmin, Building on Vincent's answer for those looking for even more of the same, our "http://store.atappstore.com/product/sla-package/">Service Level Agreement (SLA) solution tracks both time to respond and time to resolve on Issues, accounts for business days and hours, and accommodates the concept of "flipping" statuses (e.g. New > In Progress > On Hold > In Progress > On Hold > In Progress > Complete). It's likely a bridge to far for most, I suspect, but could be of interest for those who need that level of granularity...or any who's wondered if Workfront can be used as the SLA book of record for helpdesks. Regards, Doug


Level 5
Do you offer demos for your app, Doug? Jazmin Allen-Collins Analog Devices, Inc.


Level 10
Yes, if you think it might meet your requirements, I'd be happy to demo our SLA solution to you, Jazmin. May I invite you to email me at doug.denhoed@atappstore.com so we can schedule a call? Regards, Doug