Has anyone found a way to build a report to find all of the past proofs that $$USER.ID has opened or commented on? We don't use proofing workflows at the moment. We just have an open proof that goes through the company via tasks. So I can do task reports to try and find these instead, but was wondering if there was anything that I could filter by or add a column for in document reports to show if someone opened or commented on a proof?
It would also be great to report on the number of comments from each proof version if anyone knows if that's possible, either natively through Workfront, or if you can give a rough breakdown of how I could ask someone with more technical knowledge on how to access this information via API, that would also be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Hi there, I have a report that can help you with at least the commenting portion. You could add a filter to what I have to bring in specific people, or just generate the report and then an in-report search for specific names to jump to their comments if needed.
This is actually a Note report pulling notes that contain 'proof comment' since all proof comments have that verbiage in front - mine is showing comments from 'past week' grouped by comment date then proof but of course you can change this timeframe. So if a proof had 4 comments in the past week, each comment is a line item in the report but it allows you to view multiple proofs' comments at once. You could filter it to pull pending proofs from specific users or a different timeframe. I've found this helpful since there is no other native report.
Columns - the 'comment' column is Note >> Note Text
group.0.name=Comment Date
Hope this helps or at least gets some other ideas going!
Thanks for this Madalyn, It's pretty useful if filtered down to a manageable level (we have over 20,000 comments in the past month alone!).
I wonder if there's a way to filter by only the latest proof? In reality, the older version comments probably don't matter much and won't be searched for.
I can easily filter by a specific version number, but the latest version will vary between proofs.
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@RandyRoberts do you want to play around with this code? It's not the latest proof, but it's the most current version? (I'm not quite sure if it's giving an accurate result but figure you can test and see)
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Hi Randy, sorry I was OOO past few days. For sure on adding a filter to whittle it down like I mentioned in my post to filter certain people, projects, note entry date, etc. For seeing latest version comments, I think that's probably a separate report bc this report allows you to see multiple versions intentionally.
Proof approval reports allow you to filter by current version is true, not sure of a way to get that but also get the comments like you can in a note report. Hmmm...looks like @skyehansen posted some text mode that could help.
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Very helpful start, @Madalyn_Destafney. Thank you!
I would love to hear if you know how to use text mode code or a standard way of getting the direct proof link to the document proof instead of having to navigate to the document via the Document: Name link and then hit Open Proof - two clicks instead of one.
These are the columns I am using right now:
Document: Name | Project: Name | Owner: Name | Note Text | Entry Date |
I have it sorted by Entry Date (Descending).
Note > Note Text > Contains > proof comment
Note > Entry Date > Between > $$TODAYb-1m > $$TODAYem
Note > Owner ID > Equal > $$USER.ID
Once finalized, I will probably add a copy of the report with a prompt for the Owner ID in case someone wants to find results for others.
Another thing that might be helpful is knowing how to filter out by document type. I was trying to figure that out earlier to just see Adobe Acrobat (PDF) and ZIP files but couldn't find the field to do that.
I greatly appreciate your assistance since AI doesn't seem to be very helpful yet with giving answers for Workfront.
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Hi folks,
@AndrewGr1, the file extension (e.g. PDF, ZIP) is stored in the documentVersion.ext property and makes for a nice prompt, on a Document Version report. The ID of the proof is also stored in documentVersion.proofID, so with a little valueexpression finessing, it might be possible to concatinate it into a url that could then go directly to the doc; some assembly required.
@skyehansen, the isCurrentVersion is only part of api-unsupported, which is why you are able to use it in the exists, but won't see it in other versions (e.g. v15.0)
@RandyRoberts, in addition to the isCurrentVersion trick @skyehansen provided, you might also find the document.currentVersionID of use in an EXISTS join (same concept).
Doug, either my eyesight is even worse than my optometrist thinks, or I'm trying to gaslight myself. Help me find where the "current version" line is or let me know what is wrong with my screenshot??
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Thanks, @Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore and @RandyRoberts for your assistance.
After messing around with a lot of trial and error, it looks like I have a working custom column for the proof link:
Note Report - Custom Column Using Text Mode for the Proof Link
displayname=Proof Link
valueexpression=CONCAT("https://COMPANYNAME.my.workfront.com/document/", {documentID}, "/proof/", {proofID}, "/view")
Hi there, sorry I was out of town past few days. Copy/pasting text mode I have for my proof link column, which as you want opens the proof directly.
displayname=Proof Link
valueexpression=CONCAT("domain URL/document/",{documentVersion}.{document}.{ID},"/proof/",{documentVersion}.{proofID},"/view")
Thanks, @Madalyn_Destafney I was able to get a custom column that mostly works, but I noticed some entries won't have an associated proof ID. Do you know why that is? The note entries can be on the same exact proof, but one will have an ID and the other one won't, which provides a broken link when using {proofID}. I haven't been able to figure out why that happens. The document ID will show for both and be the exact same.
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I just used the standard doc name in the wizard
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Hi Randy, what I think happens there though is you go to the document details page, right? This URL opens the actual Proof directly, instead of details then opening Proof from there. Just saves a click.
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That's bizarre, I don't know why it wouldn't show an ID. You have in that filter searching for 'proof comment' to only pull proofs in, right? Not other documents, which have a different URL structure?
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Correct. Here are my filters:
noteText=proof comment
And what's odd is that the proofID is missing for comments from the same exact proof as the next entry. The comments are from the same person on the same proof on the same version on the same date.They all have document IDs but random entries are missing the proofID.
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Hi @AndrewGr1
Did you find an answer for missing Proof IDs? I am currently facing the same issue while working with the Note and Document Version reports.
Thanks in advance!
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Hey Vijay,
I did not figure out what causes the Proof ID not to show up. I didn't see any rhyme or reason to it. Sorry!