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Reporting error


Level 3

Hi, does anyone have any insight into this scenario?

I'm trying to create a project report using a dropdown field in the brief. There are 10 options or so in the drop down and the user can only pick one which would make it seem simple to run a report based on the option selected, but it isn't.  If I want the report to show Option A information, I can't. It randomly shows other options.  For instance Option A, Option D, and Option C might appear.  We have edited the field multiple times over the years, so I'm wondering if there is some type of legacy information in the background which is influencing the data I receive.  


Any thoughts? 


Thank you 

8 Replies


Community Advisor

Can you post the filters you're trying to use for the report? as well as some of the dropdown option names?

Also when you say "Option A information" are you wanting to just display the name?


Level 3

Hello, yes, I want the report to filter a specific set of information.   It is a very simple filter.

The report should only show data for projects that have been identified as Surety. But that isn't the case - The report is showing a variety of other segments.  There are nine other options in the drop down.  



Thank you for your assistance.  



Community Advisor


I tried something very similar and it works as expected.

I filtered on a custom "Buyer" field; a dropdown with eight choices, and also on a plannedStartDate field.

ScreenShot 2024-09-09 at 1.20.54 PM.jpg


ScreenShot 2024-09-09 at 1.27.23 PM.jpg

I think I would first suggest trying another field to see if it's just that field or not.


Level 3

Hi, I checked two other fields and the filter worked perfectly.  I submitted a ticket with WF.   Thank you for trying to help. 


Level 9

Has your problematic field EVER been a multi-select, even if it's single-select now? That makes me wonder if there isn't historical data from an old config of the field where multiple options could be selected. 


Level 3

Good morning, yes, I believe it has been a multi-select field in the past.  I was wondering if that was the cause of the problem.  Do you know if there is anyway to resolve it while keeping the information that is correct?   Thank you 


Community Advisor

Edited to add: you could just change "equals" to "contains". example below

(I just tested this and it's WAY better than my original solution below)


While not an ideal fix, if it turns out you can't "fix" that field, you could create a new single select field for use from here forward and then create a calculated field that pulls from the old field. You could then filter for the new field OR the calculated field. When all the projects using the old field are completed you could hide that field in the form.

Yes, it's ugly but you're the only one it will really be visible to after the current projects are completed.

There are probably a couple other ways you could resolve it but this would get the job done fast as I'm not sure you can "fix" the current field.

Screenshot 2024-09-10 091825.pngScreenshot 2024-09-10 091758.png


Level 3

Hello, thank you to those who contributed their insight to this conversation. I do believe the field type change from a multi-choice field to a single-field option was the culprit to my reporting issue. 


To solve it I added a generic field choice to the drop down options in my form. I changed the field option type back to multi-field, created a report to identify projects where multiple segments were selected, and reassigned the projects that had multiple selections to the generic option. Once that was done, I changed the field type back to single.  It took me some time but it worked. 

Thanks again.