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Reporting/Dashboarding audit


Level 6
Hi everyone, On this quiet Christmas week, one of my to-do items is to continue to audit and clean up our reporting. We have amassed a crazy amount of items since we launched 2.5 years ago. I have a handy Report of Reports that I refer to often, which includes great usage data. I have a question and a concern that I hope someone out there can help with: Question Is there a way to report on Dashboards in the same fashion that a Report report can? The Dashboard report is lacking most of the pre-canned attributes that the Report report has. I tried re-using some of the column text mode code from the Report report, but it doesn't work. Concern One report showing as not used in *580* days, happens to appear on a dashboard that I know is heavily used (mostly because I put it on a widely distributed Layout Template. Does the a view of a Dashboard not contribute to the views of the reports it contains? Thank you and Happy Holidays!! Brian Brian C. Mauger
7 Replies


Level 10
I would double check that one report. There's a way to run a report report that shows you which dashboard the report sits on (it's the Dashboards column). Is it possible that you have two reports that have the same name and one hasn't been used in 580 days? And yes, the view of a dashboard contributes to the views of the reports it contains... if it contains those reports. -skye


Level 10
there's not a way to report on dashboard usage that I know of, so I'm managing audits of dashboards differently. (Mostly I make sure that dashboards are owned by active users, or in cases where the users are deactivated, how widely the dashboards are shared, and then just check on the report usage. If you feel like you have too many dashboards, you may want to start creating some governance around that.) -skye


Level 6
Thank you for the quick reply Skye! I did not have confidence about the Dashboard views contributing to the report views. Thanks for the reassurance. I will look for dupes... That is very likely considering the mess we have right now. Thank you again & Happy Holidays! Brian Brian C. Mauger Marketing Operations Bloomberg L.P. Office | 1-646-324-2415 I would double check that one report. There's a way to run a report report that shows you which dashboard the report sits on (it's the Dashboards... Reporting Forum Re: Reporting/Dashboarding audit Reply to Sender Dec 23, 2019 2:29 PM Skye Hansen I would double check that one report. There's a way to run a report report that shows you which dashboard the report sits on (it's the Dashboards column). Is it possible that you have two reports that have the same name and one hasn't been used in 580 days? And yes, the view of a dashboard contributes to the views of the reports it contains... if it contains those reports. -skye Reply to Group Online View Thread Recommend Forward Flag as Inappropriate -------------


Community Advisor
Hi Brian, In the üî• with üî• department... Having proven that report views are tracked, but dashboard vies are not (yet), you could: create one special "[ Dashboard Name] Counter" report (eg of the times that report itself is viewed, but technically, the subject doesn't matter) for each dashboard you wish to track add each Counter report to the bottom of its corresponding dashboard (think "footer, with minimal or even zero vertical height...although given that lazy loading is in vogue, it might be necessary to put it "first" on the dashboard, to ensure valid stats; untested) create (yet) another report to chart the views of the Counters monitor that report over time to learn which dashboards are not being used revoke access (to be safe) and eventually delete the unused dashboards Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 6
This is interesting Doug.. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks! Brian C. Mauger


Level 6
Additionally, is there a way to show what Reports/Dashboards a certain Field and/or a certain Form live on? Brian Brian C. Mauger


Level 10
I feel like there's not really. I mean, you can definitely run a report report, and make it barf out whatever is on its views, groupings and filters*, and then run a search for a specific field name (in the view/grouping) or ID (in the filter). But I don't know that there's really a way to make a report report cough up specifically that report. * You'd use code that looks like this: displayname=Filters textmode=true valuefield=filter:definition valueformat=HTML -skye