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Report to only show task hours that total over 1 day


Level 6
Hopefully I can explain what we're trying to accomplish. What I’m trying to do is create a report on the amount of Architecture hours that have been spent per project over the last 12 months, but I want to filter out any project that has had less than a day in total of Architecture time (because the list is long). Using the normal filters all you can do is filter for individual hour entry records that are less than a day, which is a totally different thing, because most projects will be made up of lots of smaller amounts of time. Thanks!

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9 Replies


Level 7
Is "Architecture" hours an Hour type you added to the system, or is it a Task on a project and the hours are just Task Time?


Level 6
Hi Greg, Anyone can log hours against these tasks and therefore multiple different hour types. We now have an hour type for each team. We have about 10 Architecture subtasks that any IS user can log time against. The issue we have is asking WF to total all the hours on the architecture tasks and then identify if they total less than a day. Does this help?


Level 7
I'm still not 100% clear. There are "Hour types" that can be created in Workfront. I'm not clear if you have a specific Hour Type called "Architecture Hours" and you want to total up all those hours, OR, are you wanting to total up all hours logged against a particular (or group of) tasks (regardless of the "Hour Type")? Either way, I think you are going to have to do some aggregating of the results in Text mode, which unfortunately I'm not well-versed in. But I believe we'd still need to have the above clarified.


Level 6
Hi Greg, The latter, we want to total up all hours logged against a group of tasks regardless of hour type. I figured it would be text mode, hence the post…… I’m also very green when it comes to this. Thanks ☺ Laura Ray Project Support Analyst Bakkavor Information Systems Bakkavor Group West Marsh Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2BB, UK Direct: +44 (0)1775 763 010 www.Bakkavor.com // Laura.Ray@Bakkavor.com< [cid:image003.png@01D24727.3C928E60]


Level 10
Hi Laura. It is possible to filter a Project using the Hours object, such as those Projects with hours in the past 7 days, like this: hours:entryDate=$$TODAY-7d hours:entryDate_Range=$$TODAY hours:entryDate_Mod=between However, I don't believe there is a way to (first) aggregate the particular hours of a certain type and then exclude them based on the aggregate. Out of the box, the best I can suggest is to do an Hours Report where Hours Type = Architecture Hours, grouping by Project name, summing those hours, then manually sorting, and ignoring those that don't meet your minimum hurdle. Regards, Doug


Level 7
Doug, per Laura's clarification, she is not looking to total hour types, just looking at total hours against a particular task.


Level 10
Ah; thanks Greg -- so, I'd also add a filter for Task Name to the Hours report, then. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Thanks, this sounds like the best option. I'm not a fan on relying on a text field for filtering but it appears there's no way around it. I guess unless we add a tagging field on our task analysis custom form that simply tags all 'architecture' tasks.