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Report Filter for Open/Active Project


Level 4
Hello, How can I create a report filter for the currently open/active project to review all closed/open/upcoming tasks, and issues? I can elaborate... I've created a dashboard with a few reports that display (1) all project issues, (2) all current tasks for this week, (3) all upcoming tasks for next week, and (4) all accomplishments. Now, I need to attach the dashboard of 4 reports to each project I'm a project owner of. That's easy done via creating a custom tab and attaching the dashboard. My question is - How do I create the filter at a report level in such way that this dashboard is attached to various projects but filter out the data just for each particular project on a project-by-project basis? Thank you for your help. Pavlin Panayotov Littelfuse, Inc.
5 Replies


Level 10
The only way I can think of is to create a Prompt on the report so you can enter your project name in the prompt. But that won't do it for the entire dashboard. What about filtering each report by your total list of projects and then Grouping by Project so you can differentiate between the projects? That's all I can think of at the moment. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 4
Hey Vic, Thank you for your prompt reply. Please check the attached Workfront presentation and you might figure it out. It's probably something very simple, but still... I'm thinking like this, Is there any filter to "say"... Generate this report based on the currently open/active project... similar to do something based on the currently logged in user, e.g. $$USER.ID Make sense? (I didn't find $$PROJECT.ID in Workfront). Thanks. Pavlin Panayotov Littelfuse, Inc.


Level 10
Hi Pavlin, Yeah, makes sense. I don't believe that is possible. If you think about it, the $$USER or $$TODAY etc. are items the system can figure out on it's own. The same is true if you're in the Project itself. But it wouldn't have a way to know which projects you wanted to see without being in the project itself (or setting a filter or a prompt). You'll notice in the slides in the Powerpoint you attached, the slide shows that they are in the project itself displaying that dashboard. In essence it's kinda doing what you said (using a $$PROJECTID) by being in the project. Just not for multiple projects as it wouldn't know what to include. The only way I can think of would be to add a filter to each report to include the projects you want, include a Grouping by Project Name, add those reports to a dashboard and you can roll up the different projects so you only see the one project at a time. Maybe someone else has something more brilliant, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Sorry. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 4
Hi Vic, I played a little bit with this dashboard and Grouping by Project did work when I attached the dashboard via a custom tab to the Project template in user interface templates. It just displays tasks and issues for that particular project. Now, the fun part begins when I need to send the dashboard daily to multiple recipients. I figured out that I need to filter out the data just for a specific project before sending via email. That involves an extra step and a copy of the dashboard reports because we cannot simply email a dashboard. Correct? Thank you very much for your help. Cheers. Pavlin Panayotov Littelfuse, Inc.


Level 4
Actually this is easy peasy. You need to add a custom tab containing the dashboard to the object in question. So if you add it to the portfolio it will only show information about the projects in that portfolio, on the project it will show information about that project, etc. You can either add the custom tab through the more menu on the object, or add the tab via the layout. -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com Helpful? Buy me a coffee: https://www.patreon.com/mlayten - we simplify your work so you can run your business -