We have a set number of Standard licenses and each month I am onboarding or deactivating Users and now I would like to create a monthly report which shows how many Standard users have been onboarded and deactivated in that month, over the course of the year.
Has anyone done anything like this?
I have been able to create a report for new users per month and as a second option can that show me how many Standard licenses I have remaining?
Thanks for any help or direction.
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It sounds like you are just wanting a real-time count of used/available licenses at any time - yes? If so, could you not just refer to the Licenses page under Setup? Shows how many you have vs. how many are used at any time...
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Thank you - yes I currently refer to this in my weekly updates, I was wondering if there was a report I could create so I can track the onboarding and offboarding over a period of time and break down further to groups.
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To see detail on how the licenses are used across groups, you can add any groups to your licenses page - it doesn't pull in all your groups automatically. Click Manage Group List to add the groups (or all groups) and it'll show the license counts across the groups you add.