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Release 18.2 - Weird user interface design and coloring issues, feels like 4 different software programs


Level 2
OK, I don't post to forums a lot, but this needs to be said: What the heck is going on with the multiple colors and style sheets in Workfront? It feels like a really disjointed user experience. - List of all projects has a dull blue/gray flat look - Project tasks views use a different blue/gray color scheme with light 3-D effect - Proofs are now a black background with light text = hard to read functions Are siloed teams coming up with styles they think look nice and just adding them without a central UX/UI coordination? Rae S.
6 Replies


Level 9
I agree. The new colors of the groups are too bright and don't flow with the application. It's a negative feedback from our organization and I'm bringing it up today in a feedback meeting. What I'd really love to be able to do is brand the colors of groupings and more than just the bar on the top and the logo. Make it more in line with our other applications. KIMBERLY REA Solutions Manager


Level 9
What I think we're getting is a roll out of "look and feel" updates section by section. There are some design similarities between the new look of the Projects lists and the Updates section. I took part in the recent demo of an updated look/functionality for the details sections for tasks and saw some pretty obvious similarities there as well. It does feel a bit disjointed, but my hunch is that we'll see a much more uniform look within the next couple of updates. Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 4
I received similar feedback along the lines that the UI seemed under-developed. I suspect we will see additional development in 18.3. Daniel Cooley Kenall


Level 1
Hey Everyone, We noticed a bunch of those UI changes here at LeapPoint as well. A lot of things have changed within the platform this year (even more to come as we transition into the new year). A number of our customers are using our "http://www.jumpseat.io">JumpSeat plug-in to help keep up with UI/UX changes as well as quickly on-board new users without having to make them sit through a ton of training. We've gotten very positive feedback from pretty large user bases and I'm happy to put you in touch with them if you'd like. Thanks, Deven Ravel LeapPoint


Level 10
Brilliant suggestion, Deven, and excellent new landing page. We've used JumpSeat for our Workfront-based ESP for Oil & Gas industry solution for many years, and - just like LeapPoint - view it as an efficient way to transfer our knowledge to new users in a right there when you need it fashion. And it's not just for Workfront: you can write your own Guides on top of any web-based system you use. If you're interested in saving time, reducing costs, and improving user adoption, I invite you to consider JumpSeat. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Call me a philistine... but I much prefer the new tables we're seeing in the Setup area (Licenses and Audit Logs) rather than the style that's being shown in the Projects area: ( much prefer that light grey highlight rather than the blue we have now in the projects area) Jamie Hill JLL