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"Status Cannot be Null" Error


Level 4
Hi All, Recently we've run into an issue where we receive the following error message/popup when commenting on a task that is in a "Complete - Pending Approval" status: You'll notice that the status disappears from the drop-down below the comment box. By changing that status to "Complete", we are able to work around the issue and the task stays in "Complete - Pending Approval" status. Has anyone else run into this issue? I'm happy to open a help ticket, but if it's something that we've done I'd rather solve it here. Thanks! Greg Troester CHG Healthcare Services, Inc.

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1 Reply


Level 2
Hi Greg - I have received the same error on tasks set to New. I submitted a ticket on May 4 and received this response: "This is a bug that our development teams have been working on, the fix should be deployed by next Wed. I am linking this ticket to that bug and will keep you updated." Tina Craig Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company