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"Reviewers" Non Licensed


Level 2
I am new to workfront. Our (non licensed) users are setup as a requester. The requester can submit a project to our Events team (licensed.) The Event team receives the request and turns it into a project. Once we assign roles we mark the project status to planning. When this happens they receive and email notification stating the projects has been submitted and being worked on. Which is what we want it to do. The Events team wants to add an update under the update tab, should the requester receive an email notificaiton stating an update has be added? So far i received an email stating no, they will not receive any update notifications on the project they submitted. They will have to log in to see the updates/status of the projects because they don't have a license. Another email said to assign them a reviewer license. Another email said to set them as the project sponsor. Can someone shed some light on this for me. Peggy Stanton College of IST PeggyStantonCollege of ISTpstanton@ist.psu.edu

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4 Replies


Level 10
have you considered whether subscribing them to the project would be a good option for your requestors? See link below.


Level 10
The answers you've received are all somewhat correct. There are several settings on Workfront that allows for notifications to be turned on an off based on the access level. First of all, do you want the requestor to have access to all the updates in the projects, including internal conversations within your internal team? If no, on the Setup, Access Level, Set additional restrictions - make sure to check View only updates in which they have been included in the conversation --> this setting prevents them from seeing any update that they are not tagged on. Secondly, you can then set up your requester as the project sponsor on the project. Again, on Setup, Email, Notifications, search for Project Sponsor notifications. There's a lot of notifications that a project sponsor may automatically receive only if they're activated. If you activate these information, they'll get information on the project but they can also individually remove this notification on their own profile setting. Polly Co


Level 10
So I think you have kinda a mixed bag here. So I hope I don't confuse things more �� . Using the Reviewer might not be a bad idea. We use Reviewer, not Requestor – I know there's a very subtle difference and I can't remember what it is, but the Reviewer gets a little more access and is the same cost. Could be completely unrelated to this, but it could also be causing your issue. Either way, wouldn't be a bad thing to switch to Reviewer (and you can do a bulk edit to do that, so it's not difficult). One thing I noticed. I think you want to put the project in "Current" status to get it active. Planning is usually where they start and don't normally generate emails in that state. I'm not sure how the communications will function if it's not in the Current Status. But here's some info on the Communications. There is a setting to allow notes to go to the Primary Contact of the Issue. But that's the original request in your case (not the resulting project). So if you turn on this setting (see attached), and update that original request, the person that submitted that request WILL get an email (even with a Reviewer license). The other option you have is when making an Update in the Project, simply direct the Update towards that person (the Original requestor). Then they will get the email regardless of license. Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. Technical Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 7
Hi Peggy, The responses here have been great. This is something I'd ideally discuss with one of my clients on a phone call, but I'll try and be as clear as I can here. Notifications: As a general rule, emails are not sent out when a project is in Idea, Planning, or Requested status. As an exception to that rule, users will receive emails if they are directly tagged in an update. Members of the project team should also receive an email for "Project Status Change to Project Team". This indicates the change of status for a project, Idea to Planning, Planning to Current, Current to Dead, etc etc. For your users, you'll need to remember that Requestors and Reviewers do not receive all emails. See our help article below for further details, as it goes into detail about who receives notifications: