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"Last Monday" - Updates Date Format Change


Level 8
I've seen this change active in our production environment for the last month or so, maybe longer. (screenshot below) I've tried to ignore it, but many of our users are unhappy with this change. Are we stuck with this format within the updates stream? It's not ideal - our users would much rather see a date here, versus "Last Monday", but if there's a logical explanation as to why this change was made, I'd love to know! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.
7 Replies


Level 9
I agree that "Last " is confusing, as I think of that as not the more recent Monday but the one prior to that. There isn't a way to change it that I'm aware of, but I have noticed that if you mouse over any items that say "yesterday" or "two days ago", you get the exact date and time. Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
Yeah I agree. Prefer a date. But like Anthony I just hover the mouse when I need it. So not a show stopper for us, but yucky.


Level 10
Ew - I don't like that either. I wonder why they made an update like that? (I miss the Power Team calls). The hover over isn't working for me. ANthony/Vic - what browser do you use? I'm using Chrome. Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 8
I'm also using Chrome and don't see the date when I hover. The system reverts to "Last Monday, Tuesday" etc. for updates I've posted THIS WEEK, not the prior week, once two days have passed. Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 9
I use Chrome as well and it works in the Update stream both on projects and on my profile page. I should mention that it doesn't work in every case. For example, when it says "Yesterday at X:XX", there's no change when I hover, however if it says "2 days ago" or "2 hours ago", the hover works. The cases where the hover does/doesn't apply aren't exactly clear... Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Community Advisor
I was just looking a project that has a mix of "Last Wednesday" and "2 days ago" all mixed in together... "2 days ago" at 11:03am "Last Wednesday" at 11:37am "2 days ago" at 12:00pm "Last Wednesday" at 12:27pm Looks like comment updates are "Last Wednesday" (and the hover over doesn't show the date), but system updates are "2 days ago" (and the hover over does work). I'm also using Chrome. I agree, the "Last Wednesday" is confusing, I think of that as last week, not just a couple days ago.


Level 10
Yes I'm seeing the same thing. I remember using the hover over before, but it appears the hover over only works with the System Updates. Sorry if I misled anyone. And Katherine – I use Chrome, of course. How dare you ask that �� .