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ProofHQ - commenting on subsequent versions


Level 4
Hi all, We have run into a user issue that has me stumped in triaging. Issue - one of our reviewers/approvers had commented on the R1 proof, submitted as changes needed, and has now received the R2 proof. She is now unable to comment or markup the R2 proof. I have tried to rescind her previous approval, share/re-add her to the proof, etc. My user is able to view and comment on the proof, but she is not. Any ideas on the root cause or how to triage? Thank you in advance.
3 Replies


Level 10
is she somehow using proofHQ automated workflow (or has she been tricked into using proofHQ's automated workflow) and is she somehow listed as an access level that can ONLY review (Read Only or Approver access in this help page: https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217045997-Sharing-a-Proof)?


Level 1
It appears the automated workflow piece is connected. I am continuing to look into it, but she is not being picked up as a "reviewer and approver" for documents. I know how to correct it, but am now working on how to avoid it going forward. Will share anything valuable that I learn along the way.


Level 10
hi Shaye, I'm trying to convince the proofHQ folks that if we didn't start using an Automated workflow, then we don't want one connected when we start R2 (uploading a second version of the file). It would provide me with additional ammunition to talk to proofHQ with, if I knew you were in the same boat. Did you start a ProofHQ automated workflow with R1, or are you still using the Document Approval line within Workfront? Our workarounds for the ProofHQ automated workflow are: 1) blocking email from proofHQ (automated workflow review notifications are sent using a different email address); or 2) generating a proof through the document's details page (this works for us because we're not utilizing automated workflows, and don't want one added on the R2 (2nd version)