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Proof Location


Level 2

Is there somewhere in a Proof that shows the file path of the document? I'm currently viewing a proof which I made a week or so ago and I can no longer find it in the Documents folder.


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6 Replies


Level 6

Can you see the proof in Workfront Proof? Do you normally attach them to the task or the project? Sometimes they get attached to the project and if you are looking at task documents you won't see it. You can also look at the update feed to see if it was deleted.  Sometimes it can be a synchronization issue between Workfront and Workfront Proof.


Community Advisor

Are you talking about the breadcrumb trail in the upper left corner, right above the proof name, or are you saying that in spite of the breadcrumb trail, you STILL can't find the document?


Level 2

Yes I know about the breadcrumb trail but it never shows the full path even if I expand the browser window


Level 1

I have the same problem as described above. We have a few "generic" projects that are strictly for proofing purposes only. Some projects have subfolders. It's nearly impossible to find the proof by clicking on the Project Name at the top left corner of the window. This option takes me to the top of the PROJECT > Documents > PROJECT FOLDERS. Then the only option is to dig around or try to sort by date. If the DOCUMENT > Folders > PROJECT FOLDERS includes lots of subfolders it makes it very hard to find the proof. Sometimes it is required to go to the PROJECT > Documents > PROJECT FOLDERS > DOCUMENT SUMMARY to delete a proof version.


It would be great if when in a WF Proof and clicking on the project name, the default would be to open the next window specifically to the DOCUMENT SUMMARY.


Community Advisor

@MichaelLa2  -- it feels like you and @SeanSykes are talking about 2 different issues, but this also could be my poor interpretation.


Sean -- for your question, how to get a full path (or in some way, see where the file is located) -- I don't think there is a way. How we get around this is to put an extra dashboard on the project with a document report. This report shows all the documents in the project, and then we have an extra column calling out which folder it is in. 


Michael, yours is maybe a little easier -- doesn't sound like you care where the file is located but would be just as happy if you could skip to the document details. (this is what I thought you might have meant by "summary") For this, the way I think it really should work, would be if you click on the proof name (the file name in the upper left corner) it should really direct you back to the document details. However, it doesn't do this right now, instead it directs you to a blank page with the following URL line: https://<domain>.my.workfront.com/document/view?versionID=4673824828467238642


This leads me to suspect there might be some buggy behavior since according to the URL, it is supposed to at least pull up some sort of document view (see the words "document" and "view" in the url). For this type of thing, you would be best served (i.e. it would take the least amount of time) if you just submit a query case to the Support team asking them what this link is meant to show you since right now, it just shows the page frame (global nav bar and nothing else)


Sean, if this would ALSO solve your problem, you should also consider submitting a case to Support, since multiple cases will indicate some sense of urgency (i.e. it is happening to more than one customer, or being corroborated by more than one customer)


Level 2
Sean -- for your question, how to get a full path (or in some way, see where the file is located) -- I don't think there is a way. How we get around this is to put an extra dashboard on the project with a document report. This report shows all the documents in the project, and then we have an extra column calling out which folder it is in. 

How do you do this?