Need a report that shows a proof name, the approvers on each stage, and the time it took for them to approve the proof. I've tried writing a couple of different document version reports, but I can't seem to find a way to capture the time it took to approve. Any suggestions?
If you make a document version report you can use the following code to show the wait time in business days for proofs still pending. If you want to show the wait time for proofs with decisions you'll need to modify the equation slightly so that the two dates are entry date vs decision date instead of entry date vs today.
displayname=Wait Time
valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},$$TODAY),1)," Days")
This is awesome, thanks so much!
I can't seem to figure out how to write the code to try the entry vs decision date. Would you know how that should be written?
I' curious how you got the SOCD icons to display in the "Preview" column. Is that a standard field?
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No, we were proofing a screenshot of the buttons to have an example for a quiz question so that's the asset needed for approval.
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Hi @MoniqueEvans! I can't figure out how to adjust this text mode to use in a column in a proof approval report. I've tried documentVersion:entry date and other variations. Would really like this in a proof approval report given that's where my other proof approval reports are. Thoughts?
I've looked around XL and can't find anything on this.
@MoniqueEvans just kidding, I figured it out : )
If anyone wants to have a column showing wait time on a proof approval report, not a document version report, it's:
displayname=Wait Time shortview=true valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(WEEKDAYDIFF({proofCreationDate},$$TODAY),1)," Days") valueformat=HTML