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Project/Task approvals issue


Level 3
So, we currently have a project approval process attached to all our templates. When any new project is ready to review internally we switch it to "Planning" status and it triggers an approval workflow to the resource managers for each department. They check the resource against our capacity, advise on any dates that need to be shifted or assignments that need to be changed, and then approve or reject the project and move it to the next person in the chain. The issue with this is that the project status actually changes to "Planning - Pending Approval" which essentially means it disappears from the resource scheduling tool, team working on calendars and project staffing screens. This causes an issue if we have multiple projects at various stages of approval at the same time, because they may both be competing for the same resource and we can't see that when we are reviewing them. My solution was to switch to a task approval instead to trigger the same workflow - this would keep the project visible in the resource tools and give us better visibility on what's being reviewed. However, I've just built this and realised when testing that the email notifications for the task approval can't be triggered unless the project is in "Live" status. This means the resource managers won't be alerted unless they log in to the system and look for it (which I already know they won't do!). We don't want to flip the projects into Live because they aren't signed off, and we don't want notifications to go out to the project team or tasks to appear in the Home area until the timeline and resource is finalised. But we also can't live with approving projects when we don't have full visibility on what's in our schedule. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get around this? The simplest solution would just be if we could see projects that are pending approval in the resource tools, but it doesn't look like this is on the roadmap at this stage? Stephanie Mulrooney Tomorrow People

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1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Stephanie, Since the built-in Status behavior is thwarting your desired workflow, I invite you to consider creating a Custom Status entry that sounds like the same thing - and by first renaming the built-in Status (eg. by adding a "DO NOT USE" prefix) could in fact be the same term you are used to - but base it on an underlying Status (eg. Current) that will support your desired workflow. In your example, perhaps setting the Project Status to a CUR-based "Complete (Needs Task Approval)" would work well. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads