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Project Report with In Progress Task Collection


Community Advisor

I want to update my project status reports to include the task name and all assignees (not just primary) for all the tasks that are currently in progress.

I found the text mode for the task collection but I'm having trouble modifying the expression to an "IF statement" so that it only shows if the status is In Progress instead of every project task. Also having trouble getting the assignment list to show instead of the primary assigned to.

Any geniuses out there that can help me out?

Also, does anyone else have any similar reports that show other helpful information?





displayname=Tasks Names - Primary Assignee


valueexpression=CONCAT({name},' - ',{assignedTo}.{name}," - ",{status})


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8 Replies


Level 10

Hi Monique -

I'm not sure about the showing all assignees part. I've never done a collection inside a collection so not sure how you'd do that.

For the second question, if you just want In Progress, you can do valueexpression=IF({status}="INP",CONCAT({name},' - ',{assignedTo}.{name}," - ",{status}),"")

Now, if you want tasks are just not done (so includes New, In Progress, and other custom statuses you might have), we use a filter for actual completion date. valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK{actualCompletionDate},CONCAT({name},' - ',{assignedTo}.{name}," - ",{status}),"")


Former Community Member

Here's some code for the current task. Unfortunately assignments are a collection on tasks, and we haven't figured out how to double loop. AssignedTo is just the accountable individual on the task. There is an assignmentListString that you can see if you switch a task report assignments column to text mode, but so far I've only gotten it to work as part of a valuefield and not a valueexpression in a project collection. Maybe one of y'all can play with that and get it working.

Current Task - Show which task is currently being worked in the project

displayname=Current Task

listdelimiter=< div >




valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," "))))


Current Task - With Planned Completion Date

valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{plannedCompletionDate}))))

listdelimiter=< div >



displayname=Current Task




Level 2

Hi Melinda,

Thanks for sharing this code. Does the code for the current task only work in a project report or would this also work in a task report? I am having trouble getting it to work in a task report I am running.

Thank you!

Alex Huie


Level 3

Hey Alex,

The text mode that Melinda has above is for a Project report. It does not make much sense in a task report as each result on the report will be an individual task. In my mind it would make more sense to filter the results of the report to only return the results that meet your criteria and then add the 'Name' and 'Planned Completion Date' columns to the report. You can use the below Filter textmode to do this:

numberOfChildren=0 numberOfChildren_Mod=eq canStart=true canStart_Mod=eq status=CPL status_Mod=in


Level 2

Thanks Adam! A little background on what I am doing: I have filtered the tasks by those that are upcoming print jobs but it was also requested that the user is able to see the current task on those corresponding projects since the print tasks are not all ready to start. I figured a task report would be too granular to see the project current task but do you have any other recommendations for achieving this?


Level 3


The best way to accomplish this would be to use a Project Report and then use the textmode from Melinda.

Current Task - With Planned Completion Date valueexpression=IF({numberOfChildren}=0,IF({canStart},IF(CONTAINS("CPL",{status}),"",CONCAT({name}," - ",{plannedCompletionDate})))) listdelimiter=< div > listmethod=nested(tasks).lists valueformat=HTML displayname=Current Task textmode=true type=iterate


Level 10

The issue Alexandra is that you need to do a reference (move to an object that has a one-to-one relationship) and then do a collection (move to objects with a many-to-one relationship) and I don't think you can do all of that in one field. Although it is totally cool if someone wants to prove me wrong.

I have found with my print studio that the Can Start field is enough if I show that on a report. They don't care too much where it is on the project as long as they know it isn't their turn yet. And the studio in London actually had me add Projected Start Date so they get a general idea of when it is coming to them. They know it isn't 100% accurate as it assumes we only work 9 to 5 and not a minute more, but it does help know is the project running a little bit late or a lot and they need to move on to something else. Hope that helps.


Community Advisor
This is awesome Melinda, "can start" never even crossed my mind as another condition in the statement! I started with the assignmentListString but it always turned out blank so either it doesn't work or I did something screwy. Thanks for chiming in, between you and Anthony there is going to be 400 people very happy with me! Monique Evans Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.