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Project Approval Email Notification to Project Owner


Level 3

Is it just me or is there no out-of-the-box email notification that gets sent out to a project owner when their project gets approved or rejected?

I only see notification settings for delegated approvers. Am I missing something?



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4 Replies


Level 3

I know this is an old thread, but we just ran into this today (we're trying to do project approvals as a new process) and I found this thread while I was trying to confirm the same thing. Currently, our team is confused that they are notified the status of their project changed (so it goes from STATUS NAME HERE -pending approval- to just plain old STATUS NAME HERE) but that they are not notified of the actual decision. It's unusual to me that we have document approval and task approval decision emails but not project decision emails.


Community Advisor

If you have fusion - it's possible to do this with a Workfront to Workfront integration. Otherwise, I would suggest submitting an Idea or voting up ideas that are similar. 


Level 3

Thank you, Kellie! Alas, we do not have Fusion, but I definitely am going to finish my review of existing ideas/upvoting before potentially submitting!