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Popup ads?


Level 10
is anyone else getting these popup messages when they get in their workfront instance? Are they just going out to admin level license holders or to all users? -skye

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57 Replies


Level 4
Hi, Heather! I only wish that was the case. I have been registered for months now for LEAP. :-( Eileen Womelsdorf SEI Global Marketing Operations, Resource Management Developer | Arranger | Individualization | Relator | Empathy SEI New ways. New answers. 1 Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 T 610-676-2801 www.seic.com


Community Advisor
Have you also registered for your sessions? Session registration was just opened a couple weeks ago. I'm just throwin' out guesses here :)


Level 7
Heather, good thought but I have signed up for my sessions too and I still go the pop-up today. Marla Driver


Level 4
Good thought! But I registered for the sessions when they opened as well. ;-) Eileen Womelsdorf SEI Global Marketing Operations, Resource Management Developer | Arranger | Individualization | Relator | Empathy SEI New ways. New answers. 1 Freedom Valley Drive, Oaks, PA 19456 T 610-676-2801 www.seic.com


Level 10
Can we confirm this is going out to users? As far as I can tell, it is only targeting system admin access levels, but I'd like to be sure. -skye


Hey guys, Skye is correct. I just checked with the team and only US system admins have received this message. I'll continue to pass along your feedback about these type of pop ups. Thanks, Kyna


Level 10
Kyna, Glad to hear this is the case, insomuch as I don't have to listen to grief from hundreds of users. Lessens my ire somewhat...but not completely. Can Workfront just stick to the in-system notifications and emails , please ? Don't interrupt me with popups...they only serve as an irritant, not encouragement. Kevin Quosig


Level 10
Kyna and everyone else, if it would help the cause, I've gone ahead and created an Idea in the idea exchange for folks to upvote. https://experience.workfront.com/s/idea/0870z000000XhvKAAS/detail everyone, please vote to include a setting in the setup area so that we can opt out of ads on the login screen and anything that might pop up after login. -skye


Level 9
I'm curious – why would this not be a break-fix ticket. This is something that from feedback shows – no one requested and everyone is finding intrusive. Why should an idea exchange post be necessary to request the removal of something that was A) never communicated to us would happen and B) not part of any release? Christina Jarosz, Marketing Project Coordinator P 215.648.7168 | C 215.435.9412


Level 10
Thanks Skye; upvoted and vented in comments. Christina, you have a point but...it's the system we have. I'm one step away from a harsh complaint to our account rep. Had we known about this sort of behavior it might have been a big strike against choosing Workfront. I'm sure that harsh complaint will be the next time I'm having a bad day and the "Would you recommend WF to a colleague?" banner slinks up from the bottom of the browser window (beware the answers from my users; WF might be encouraged to turn it off for that reason alone...). I suppose I'm a bit over-angry because we're finding so much to dislike and be frustrated about Workfront since deployment that the ads in all their forms just come across as unmitigated gall on their part. "Your product has so many shortcomings and you think it's okay to bother me and/or my users without permission!?!" Okay...I'm going to go find some purring kittens to relax with...peace! Kevin Quosig


Level 10
Good question Christina, and I think you can still choose to pursue the break/fix option in addition to upvoting (these aren't mutually exclusive solutions). From my side, my Idea just shows my preferred method of working things out. 1) I've had a few occasions over the years to observe that today's break/fix ticket is tomorrow's working-as-intended function. I'd like to see this permanently fixed. 2) The solution I'm proposing is intended to sidestep that whole philosophical discussion and any potential future direction changes--for example, Nick just posted asking about whether he could personalize pop ups for his users. I don't care if anyone ever determines whether this is bad practice or best practice--Workfront has approx 4000(?) customers, of which a dozen of us have commented on the practice. If you just give me something to switch it off, the Workfront folks are free to make whatever decision they wish. 3) (Also I just assigned 8 tasks to my account team; they hear from me plenty and this isn't something I care to add to their workload.) -skye


Level 2
Thanks Skye I've voted for this.. Regards Bob


Level 9

Logged in today to search for a way to turn this nonsense off, and found this thread. A year later (now June 2021) and the practice continues. @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ @Jordan Jones - Inactive‚ Please pass on feedback to the appropriate people that this is unprofessional, intrusive and obnoxious - particularly when it's repetitive and seems to be timed to occur exactly when I'm in the middle of live demos.

We pay for this software. Advertising inside of it is not acceptable. If you want my feedback, send an email survey - do not interrupt me in the middle of working on something in the production environment.




Hi Katherine,

I'll take a look and see what I can find out about what's going on for sure.

Thank you for letting us know!



Level 10

@Kyna Baker - inactive‚, I'm with @Katherine Stibley‚, this really needs to stop.

Workfront is not some free iPhone app paid for by ad views.

Adobe's marketing team is already harassing us daily by email, we don't need in-app surveys and ads.


Level 9

For specific visual, just got this one a moment ago. On a user I happen to be logging in and out of their account, and it's popping up every time I log back into his account. It feels like a less-entertaining version of the 'And then...?' scene from Dude Where's My Car?


Level 10

Maybe we should start answering "0" when these appear rather than dismissing them unanswered?


Community Advisor

I have Adobe's emails filtered to my SPAM folder. It was just too much noise. I've never seen an ad popup in Workfront, I would make some serious noise if I did.


Level 10


My goodness they cause alot of signal-to-noise issues with all their emails unrelated to Workfront. You'd think they'd never heard of targeted emails.


Level 9
Kevin – that will definitely get their attention. Interesting enough, this is the response I received from their Director of Corporate Sales when I complained in June 2019. It looks like you have to OPT OUT intentionally to get them to stop. Good Morning Christina, I was able to speak with one of our Tier 1 managers in support around this issue. This actually has to do with the NPS survey and score. His suggestion was to put a ticket in to support and they should be able to disable it for you. Christina

@Kyna Baker - inactive‚ @Jeremy Flores‚ this is still happening. What can we do to have this disabled by license type?

I really don't want our partners to be prompted for surveys when they are already fighting using the system.
