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POP Email Questions


Level 4

I am new to Workfront and while building a queue topic, I noticed that we could use pop email to route requests directly into the queue. currently we have our copy edit team that is using Jira and requesters route work into their queue using an email address specifically created for this queue, is there a way to mirror that? From my understanding of the process, the requesters attach the content in their email request and that gets automatically attached to the work request in JIRA. I'm not sure if that's what'll happen on Workfront. When a user submits a request to the queue through email, will Workfront automatically take the document attached to the request and append it to the Documents section?


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1 Reply


Level 7

Yes, that is correct, Naushin! all attachments to the email are included in the request. Unfortunately, that includes signature images and other images in the body of the email as well.

There is a better way to do this under development at Workfront and i understand it will be released to production early 2021.

If you have other questions, please let me know.

Good luck!