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Planned Hours Over a Specific Period


Level 3
Hello...I have a few questions surrounding the Resource Planner. To keep it as simple as possible, let's say I have a task that has a duration of 40 hours, over 10 days, and the task runs from Monday through Friday of the following week. If I understand correctly, it will take the 40 hours and spread it over the 10 days, and give me 4 hours per day. If I know that the bulk of the work, let's say 30 hours, will be done the first week, and 10 hours will be done the second week, is there a way to set this up to reflect that 30/10 split, or would I need 2 separate tasks? If the task does not start on the Monday as expected, and instead starts on Wednesday, will WF adjust to spread the hours over the 8 day duration, effectively giving me 5 hours per day, or would the project manager need to adjust this on their own? Thanks for your help. Chris Levitsky Guidemark Health
5 Replies


Level 10
I believe there's a way to contour the task. It's a relatively new feature and I haven't used it yet. Honestly I haven't ever had a need to be that finite with my hour distribution on tasks. But I'm confident there's a way to do it in Workfront now. Hopefully someone with more experience with it will chime in. Regarding if that task starts late, the PM will should change the Start date to the new date, and if you want the end date to remain they would have to shorten the Duration to 8 days. Otherwise it will still have your hours on Monday & Tuesday. And if you front load them, they'll be significant hours. Hope I helped on that part ��


Level 2
Hi Chris, Yes there is a way. I cannot get into WF this am to get a screenshot, but here are the general steps: 1. Navigate to the People link 2. choose the Teams tab 3. select the team you want to change 4. Under 'working on', you will be able to select the 2 week period you would like to change 5. select 'filter' so you can select the user you'd like to change. 6. click on the arrow next to the task you would like to contour. You will see an array for each person assigned to the task. the array contains daily hours. 7. adjust the hours as necessary. the total hours must remain the same, but they can be configured to any day you want. 8. Make sure you press save. Hope this helps! Celeste DiDio PwC FL


Level 3
Hi Celeste- Thanks for providing the steps you take. I followed them, but don't see the array you are referring to. Instead, I see the following: hed. Chris Levitsky Guidemark


Level 2
Ok - there are some settings that need to be changed. When you are on that page, click the settings icon - the gear wheel - in the upper right. A list of setting options should appear. I had to turn on "Show Resource Allocation Highlighting" and "Show Totals for Daily Planned Hours" to get the array to show. Let me know if this works for you. NOTE: changes you make here do not show up on the Legacy Resource Grid - we found out the hard way :) Celeste DiDio PwC FL


Level 2
It appears as though my settings screenshot is not showing properly in the discussion, so I am adding it as an attachment here. Celeste DiDio PwC FL