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Parent vs. subtasks on timesheets


Level 2
hello Workfront world. Is there a way to prevent parent tasks from appearing on timesheets? we only want the children (subtasks) to appear. Thanks in advance. Celeste [Celeste] [DiDio] [] [] [PwC] [Tampa] [Fl] [813-373-0748]
3 Replies


Level 2
ha - I think I figured this out. Managers are putting assignments on the parent tasks as well as the sub-tasks. So both the parent and the subtasks appear on the user's timesheet. It was confusing because they also named both the parent and the subtasks the same - and gave them different descriptions. Looks like it is a training opportunity. Thanks! Celeste [Celeste] [DiDio] [] [] [PwC] [Tampa] [Fl] [813-373-0748]


Level 7
Hi Celeste, Your discovery there would be the only way to do this. There's not a way for the timesheet object to differentiate between parent and child tasks. However, that being said, what I've had clients I support do to differentiate between task hierarchy is use hyphens. Example, no hyphens = parent, 1 hyphen = 1st level child, 2 hyphens = 3rd level. Parent - 1st level Child - - 2nd level Child - - - 3rd level Child That seems to go well for them, especially when they export the report to an excel sheet and lose formatting. Good luck! All the best, Dustin Martin Tier 2 Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Thank you Dustin! I will provide this idea to the project team. Great visual way to differentiate. C [Celeste] [DiDio] [] [] [PwC] [Tampa] [Fl] [813-373-0748]