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Parent/Child Companies


Level 10
Hi folks, New to Workfront and this community. Is there a way to have parent companies with child companies associated to them (i.e Big Corp is the parent company, and Big Corp Analytics is the child company)? Thanks. Nick Nick Valeriote Trendline Interactive
2 Replies


Level 8
Not out of the box, but you can attach a custom form to a Company with drop-downs for 'Parent Company'. As you can set permissions based on Company but not a custom field You would have to: Maintain the drop-down list for parent companies (at least until the 'Company' object is added to the type ahead field) Create specific reports to filter on Company OR Parent Company, and run these with permission of someone who can see everything Barry Buchanan - WMA Work Management Australia


Level 10
Thanks, @Barry Buchanan - WMA . Nick Valeriote Trendline Interactive