My name is Allison Lippert, and I help coordinate the Administrator Boot Camps along with others on the Training team here at Workfront ... Aubrey Hayes, Chris Knittle, and Isaac Etter. A seat at the boot camp is $1,000. You can register online and pay with a credit card on the "" boot camp website . If you're not able to do that, you can talk with your Workfront sales rep and have an invoice issued. We have a few boot camps left in 2018 -- New York at the end of September, Dallas and Boston in October, San Francisco in November, and Workfront HQ in Lehi in December. Registration for the New York boot camp will close at the end of this week (Friday the 14th). Registration for the other boot camps will close either when they reach capacity (about 15 attendees) or about 7 business days before the boot camp begins. Although the boot camp is intended for new system admins, it is required (and helpful) that those attending have a base knowledge and understanding of what Workfront is and how it works. We require that attendees complete Project Manager Fundamentals and Administrator Fundamentals in Workfront Ascent before attending boot camp; any additional courses they can complete is also helpful. If someone comes into boot camp with absolutely no Workfront knowledge, they're going to be a bit lost and not get the full benefit of attending. If you have any additional questions about boot camp (location, dates, times, etc.), you can reach out to the Training team directly at Allison Lippert Workfront Training Manager