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New Support system issues


Level 10
Hi, I've reported the following issues to support regarding the new Support system which we have been moved to since the Experience migration last weekend. Curious what other issues others have found: Date format is stuck in USA format. We need it in UK/Australia format. It should adapt based on browser language, like Workfront does. You can only sort by the ticket opened date. Last Updated would be much more useful. You can't set a priority on tickets currently. I'm pretty sure this option was there a couple of days ago, and it was definitely there on the old Zendesk system. No colour labels for different ticket statuses (yellow for awaiting feedback, blue for open, etc). On the plus side, I like how when you're viewing a 'case' in the new system, it sorts by most recent update at the top and you can also see the orginal ticket description at the top right. Regards, David Cornwell
33 Replies


Community Advisor
Agreed. I think the document library looks nice but isn't useful because I'm always referencing a new screenshot not something previously loaded in a case. Monique Evans Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.


Level 9
Hoping anyone can possibly assist me - I cannot communicate with WF Support in any capacity as the support tickets are now triggering our SecureMail filters. Workfront reps cannot seem to be able to access any emails due to this inclusion. If I remove the case #, my ticket does not go anywhere and it still cannot be communicated back to the original support rep. As of this morning, I had a case become closed as 'WF did not hear back from me' despite the fact that yes we replied. This is causing a serious issue with being able to resolve any issues. I'm posting here as a last resort. The support request is 1171729 if you have access to it. @Tyler Crump - anyone? Christina Jarosz Ascensus


Level 1
Perhaps someone from support may be able to help. @Dustin Martin ? Tyler Crump Workfront


@Christina Jarosz This is unfortunate and we will definitely need to look into this further. In the meantime, can you call support? They should be able to start walking through this with you. 844-306-4357. Kyna Baker Customer Content and Community Manager Workfront


Level 9
Hi @Kyna Baker - this has been opened with support as of 05 /10 - Case# 00143190. Christina Jarosz Ascensus


Level 7
Hi all, I had a chat with the support engineer that's on the case Christina posted above, he's working with our support desk admin to find a solution that will work. Thanks for the tag @Tyler Crump Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Hi @Dustin Martin - not sure if you saw it but I made a comment earlier in the thread, as follows: "Workfront Support seem to be replying to some tickets via email. This causes the whole email thread to be posted in the update, which makes the user experience very poor. A sequence of replies means these emails are duplicated many times and makes it hard to read." Am I correct in saying that this issue is caused by Workfront staff replying to tickets via email instead of posting their updates directly in the support site? I have an case this morning where there are a series of 6 email signatures for the Workfront staff for their latest reply, then following that is my previous post and then another set of Workfront email signatures. Given that you can't easily see the separation between each post it makes it a real pain to sift through to review the sequence of post history. If the above is the case, would it be possible for Support Management to ask support staff to post updates directly in the support system rather than via email? David Cornwell


Level 7
Hey David, I'm not aware of any support folks that reply via email, though our new ticket system has had some quirks we've been working on ironing out. I have noticed it automatically adds my signature on every support case I respond to, whether it's the first reply or the 15th reply, and replies just keep building that email chain. I'll ping our admin over the ticket system and see if we can go back to how our previous ticket system was, where it didn't show the entire thread. No guarantees, but worth asking at least. Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Thanks @Dustin Martin - I guess the point is that the ticket system naturally shows the thread with each comment. There's no need to add the full thread contents into every comment. :) See how you go.... David Cornwell


Level 7
Absolutely David. Quick update, it's on our admin's radar... ;) Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Hi @Dustin Martin - please see ticket 00147322 as an example where Support are updating the ticket via email, which causes the whole email chain to be posted on every update. David Cornwell


Community Advisor
@Dustin Martin I have essentially the opposite issue as David. I'm not sure how support is responding, but their comments aren't showing up in the ticket feed. If you take a look at ticket 00143432, there are lots of comments from me but almost none from my ASE. But I assure you she really did respond to each of my comments - and I received emails with her reply. If I look at the attachments tab, there seems to be links to emails that she sent me. But those links just give an error message. More than once I've gone back to an old ticket to remember what the resolution was, so it's supper handy to have all of support's comments within the feed. I hope I don't have to start savings emails from them and fish through those when I need to go back to an old ticket.


Level 7
Hi Heather, That is extremely interesting. When I pulled open that case, I can see your ASE's responses as well as your responses. Yours don't have the full thread, but the ASE's response appears to have the full thread. If I go to type an update on the case, it also includes the responses up to that point. I'd reach out to your ASE to see if maybe she is deleting everything under her signature, as that's the only thing I could potentially see causing this difference in functionality. Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront