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New Email Notifications format is confusing


Level 7
Our users are reporting that the new format of the email notifications is confusing and not a better format at all. The profile pictures are too big and there is a mix of font type which makes them look unprofessional. AtTask Admin Premier Farnell Premier Farnell UK Ltd

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18 Replies


Level 1
We are getting the exact same complaints. Frank Jaeger KeyBank


Level 10
One problem I had with the Preview environment is that I don't receive emails from it so I never had a chance to test the emails. (Am I meant to be able to receive emails from it?) Jamie Hill JLL Global


Level 7
Repeating here: This is the feedback we're getting also... From lots of people. It's going to be a noisy few days for us! Barbara Sedlack BMO Financial Group


Level 1
Agree on the confusing new layout! It's confusing that you have to scroll down to see the newest comment, and cannot link back directly to that specific communication thread. Michelle Simon PopSugar


Level 2
Hi Everyone, Thank you for taking time to check out the new email notifications and for logging the issue with our Support team. Your concerns are valid and I appreciate your honesty. I'm following the thread and also working with the development team to identify the right solution to the confusion around email notifications. Please keep adding your feedback, but know we are working to resolve the challenges that you're experiencing now. Thanks, Mandy Anger
-- MANDY ANGER Product Manager "https://www.workfront.com/" style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(51,122,183);text-decoration:none"


Level 8
Defined user pictures seem to be conflicting somehow Richard Carlson Behr Process Corporation


Level 3
Agreed. Quick fix appreciated. Connie Connie Sutherland BSC


Level 10
Hi, I noticed this in Preview and put in a ticket. The issue for us is that a lot of our users still have Outlook 2010 and the support Team said they do not support that anymore so the issue would not be fixed. For the few employees on newer computers with Office 2016 suite and those that look at the email on their phones it seems to be fine. Are any of you seeing these issues and not using Outlook 2010? Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
@Jeremy Glassburn - You can ignore my email about the new email design layout for notifications. Looks like it's being addressed. See thread here. Jennifer Tanabe Director, Project Management Vertical Measures


Level 2
Thank you for looking into this, Mandy. This change is definitely not an improvement; it is making it very difficult to keep track of conversations within the tool and is taking more time our of our day. Please keep us posted. Dianne Dianne Keohane Globoforce


Level 5
Is there any update on this? The new notification format is slowing down our work considerably - not a good thing in Q4. Alana Coble WebMD


Level 4
I generally try to wait a few more days before complaining about a new format, but I thought I'd provide our feedback since the user experience across platforms are not consistent. I don't think this new format is very user friendly. I am on a PC and most of my team are on MACs. Some of them are using different email clients as well. One designer has the profile pic attached in his email, while on his iphone, he sees the profile pic sized proportionally. Other designers don't see the profile picture at all. Since I'm on a PC with Outlook 2013, the profile pics are huge and not in proportion to the message. Also, while I like to see all the comments in the email, I find it inconvenient to scroll down to the bottom to see the latest update, at this point, I'm just clicking into the project so I can view it correctly. Tara Carey Neustar, Inc.


Level 10
Hi, We also are not a fan of the huge profile pictures in the emails, and needing to scroll to the bottom for the latest update. This occurs in Outlook 2016 (on Windows) also, so I don't believe it is just an issue with older Outlook versions. Thanks in advance for hopefully improving this soon. Regards, David Cornwell


Level 2
Hello everyone, Thank you for your patience. I am happy to report that we released a patch last night that included an updated email layout for notifications based on your feedback. I hope the new layout will improve your experience, please check it out. Thanks and have a great weekend! Mandy Mandy Anger Workfront


Level 10
Yeah I noticed the change this morning. MUCH better! Thank you! Now if we can get that cut & paste back in the Document attachments �� Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 10
OK Sorry about this, but if you want true feedback I just noticed something that seemed a little counterintuitive. You've placed the most current comment on top, which is great, but the subsequent comments go back to an oldest to latest order which can get confusing. So you have the latest, then the oldest, then the more current one at the bottom. So this top comment is answering the comment at the very bottom. I would think it would be better to display the thread from the latest comment in sequence down to the oldest in the thread. Or am I in the minority? Vic Alejandro, PMP, CSM | IT | Sr. IT Project Manager Denver Water | t: (303-628-7262) | c: (303-319-6473) "http://www.denverwater.org/"> http://www.denverwater.org INTEGRITY | VISION | PASSION | EXCELLENCE | RESPECT


Level 10
Firstly, thanks Workfront - it looks much better! Regarding the sorting order, I think it is OK as-is, because it is just a summary of the thread. It only shows the latest comment, the original message, and the most recent comment prior to the current one. This means that there is not a significant amount of scrolling needed. Once users understand the content it should be OK. Which leads me to my suggestion to Workfront.....help make it easier for users to understand what the sections of the content are. Currently the headings don't makes sense to me as they don't relate to each other. The two main headings in small-medium light grey text are: People included in this update: Original thread: How about you change it so that it says: Latest comment: Original message and previous reply: And while you're at it, please make these grey headings a little larger and a little darker. At least they should be more prominent than the commenting user's name which is currently in larger dark blue text and draws the viewer's eye unnecessarily. Also, I suggest italicising and indenting the 'Comment' button in line with the message text. to make it look less like a heading. David Cornwell


Level 7
Excellent points David, I agree these further formatting amends are needed, but there is definitely an improvement. Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist