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New Community Terms & Conditions


Level 10
Hi Allison, I read through the new terms and conditions for the community. All makes sense really, though there is one point worth clarifying: "Use caution when discussing products. Information posted on the discussion groups and in the libraries is available for all to see, and comments are subject to libel, slander, and antitrust laws." Does this mean Workfront products? If so, I presume there are no issues with community members factually discussing issues with the products (bugs, lack of features etc). This is a common and useful type of topic on the community. I expect that as long as everyone remains factual and constructive, then there should be no issues, right? Regards, David David Cornwell
4 Replies


Level 3
Hi David, When I read the section that you just referred to, I read 'products' to mean your company's products (if your company offers products...or any proprietary information really), not Workfront's products. I could be wrong, but I thought I'd just throw that out there. Thanks! Brandon Hamm Creative Services Project Manager Bravo Group


Level 9
It is fairly open to interpretation, but almost any interpretation still applies. This is a public(ish) forum, be smart about what you say whether it refers to Workfront, one of their partners, your own company or your company's clients. Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group


Level 10
Hi – I interpret this to mean (my opinion is...) that WorkFront's lawyers are trying to close every loophole, shut down any possible threat, attack, negative press, anything they don't like. The truth can be used as a weapon, so even if you are telling the truth, if WorkFront's lawyers interpret your intent as malicious, it is my opinion that they are threatening to go after you. This kind of terminology is, in my opinion, common in business today. Every business wants to speak softly and carry a big (legal) stick for the non-conformists. Eric


Level 5
Yes, David, constructive discussion of the Workfront product is the primary use of the community. We are fortunate to have an extremely healthy positive, and constructive community here. We haven't had any problems in the past, but non-constructive discussions that turn into slander of the product or company would be marked as inappropriate and removed from the community as per these terms of use. As Brandon said, this would also apply to other products. The new terms of use are not intended to change anything about the community or the awesome engagement that we have here. It is simply a precaution that we would be able to point to should any problems or inappropriate content arise. However, I do not see that happening. Having a terms of use and conditions is a good practice, just in case. I'm happy to answer any other questions about the new terms and conditions. I don't want anyone to be worried about them. Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager