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Need reporting guidance for tracking project status change


Level 2
Hi all, The head of my department would like a report generated each day of current projects that have changed status to "On Hold". I've been playing around with reports and haven't found a good way to do this. Can anyone advise on the way to report on projects that have changed from Current to On Hold? Thank you! Alex

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2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Alex, Since (by design) once a Project is On Hold nothing further can be edited, one way could be to write a report that filters for Projects that are On Hold, group it by Last Update Date (to the Day), and chart the count of the Projects in a vertical bar by day. You could then also add a filter (or prompt) for a particular date range, such as $$TODAY-7d. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore


Level 2
Thank you, Doug! I will try this out now. Alex Barnard