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Need report to sum hours for both parent task and child task (not sub-task, but indented task)


Level 1
I need a report to sum hours for both parent task and child task (not sub-task, but indented task), and for all projects. Anyone knows how to do it?

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11 Replies


Level 10
Hi: Are you willing to do this through Excel? I don’t know how to do it through WorkFront’s Charting technology. Maybe someone else knows… Eric


Level 1
I am hoping to do it using workfront.


Level 10
Susanna - have you found the way to do it ?


Level 3
This was an interesting question and I thought the answer should be trivial - select tasks whose attribute Number of Children is greater than 0 and plot Actual Hours. However, the results were interesting. The Summary tab and the Chart tab show hours just for the task. However, the Details tab shows hours for both the task and all it's children. I've raised a ticket with WF and will update this thread when I hear more. Srini


Level 10
I am trying to get the sum of task hours as well. I guess you've heard nothing back from your open ticket?


Level 10
I am having trouble getting Workfront to sum - my hours - look at the column heading - those hours are not Sums. I also need to know why the actual hours are all 0's. I have recalculated the timeline and finances on all of my projects. I can dump this into excel and just sum it - but I want to do it using workfront - do you have a solution?


Level 1
I have not heard of a solution yet. Susanna.


Level 10
Is it possible that some of the data lines shown in your report are parent tasks? If I have a task based report and I don’t filter out parent/subtasks, they display as a line item, but make the total at the top seem “off” because they are not included (if they were included it would be double counted….


Level 10
Yes, that is possible. I have grouped my report by project name, then my parent task, resulting is a much better organized report. Thank you. Now this "number of children" filter is very interesting to me - explain to me how I set the value - or do I just set it to "not null".


Level 10
Number of Children is the count of the number of subtasks that are on a task. This is an out-of-box field that is maintained by the system. If the number of children is greater than 0, the task is a parent task and will have at least 1 child task. In my filter I used Number of Children Equal 0. Basically, this will restrict the report to only pull Task records from the lowest level of a relationship. As a best practice, we don’t assign resources to any parent tasks.


Level 10

Using number of children and grouping properly has helped my report and my visual understanding of how this works. Planned hours complete first grouping is still not SUM properly ... But my testing and changing has improved the report even with a few unexpected and unexplained glitches of inconsistency.0690z000007ZiXfAAK.jpg