Background: My management team has weekly meetings to evaluate all of the projects we have in Current. It's the responsibility of the Project Owners to go into their project and add an Issue (which I've set up with a queue topic) to record a weekly Status Update.
Problem: I've created a report that shows all of the Status Updates made for each project in Current, within the last week. Now, I'm trying to create the opposite of that - a list of projects that have not had a Status Update (issue from queue topic) within the last week. The first report works well, but there's no easy way to tell what projects haven't added an issue. I have this code to add to a Project report but it doesn't seem to be working and I'd love some help:
EXISTS:A:queueTopic:name=Status Updates
There are lines I will be adding to this, but only to narrow down Company and Portfolio.
Thanks in advance!!
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Thanks for the tips, @NRYN R - inactive‚! I'll keep these in mind moving forward.
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I would leave out that last line in the exists code, Sarah... or add a modifier to it (depending on what you want to do?).
Guessing at what you want to do: leave it out of exists, and put it in the regular filter code with company and portfolio.
i.e. regular reporting code which can be done in standard mode: you're filtering for projects from a specific company and portfolio with a queue topic name containing the text "status update". Then switch to text mode, and plug in your amended exists statement (which seems to work, by the way -- I plugged it into my sandbox minus the queue topic line and it pulled up what I was expecting)
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