Hi Christine - there are two things you can use, but please note that both are just view only. You cannot in-line edit the hours. For a task report or in the task list of a project, you can use this column which we call Assignment Breakdown. displayname=Assignment Breakdown listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(assignments).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({assignedTo}.{name}," (",{role}.{name},") - ",{workRequired}/60,IF({workRequired}/60>ABS(1)," Hours"," Hour")) valueformat=HTML For reporting, you can also use the Assignment object type (which is my favorite). This creates a line item for every assignment on a task or issue. So in your example, you would get 4 line items for this task. I also like assignment reports because there is an assignment status that you can filter on so if someone click "Done with My Part" you can filter it out. :) This object type is also great because you can also group by employee and then do a sum of their planned hour :)
Hope that is helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB